Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Currently List #94

Hello! It's Tuesday and it's time for another Currently List!

Watching: Up is definitely one of the best Disney movies ever! I have no idea why it took me so long to watch it, but I'm glad that I finally did. My boys love this movie and have watched a couple of times over the past few days. I'm finally starting to get caught up with Olya Schmidt's Sketch Your World class. I haven't started on the actual sketches and paintings, but I have watched all of the videos.

Reading: Speaking of the Sketch Your World class, I have also read all of the lessons. I wrote down any supplies that I need to get and I also wrote down the assignments as well so I can finally get started on some sketches.

Listening: I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing this song.

Making: I finally made my grocery list and I love that most of the items on my list are healthy. Yay for lots of fruits. I see a lot of smoothies in my near future.

Feeling: Today has been a really great day.

Planning: In the next few days, I plan to go with my mami to the farmer's market so that I can get the ingredients she uses to make sazon. I looked online for a recipe and there were a bunch, but I figured that I should get exactly what my mami purchases to make her homemade sazon.

Loving: Today's weather was perfect. It was not too cold or too hot. It's 60 degrees right now and it feels awesome!

What's on your Currently List? Feel free to share!

Until next time...

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