Sunday, March 23, 2025

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. John bought me some gorgeous flowers. I absolutely adore tulips.

2. Eugénie's art—I love the idea of using black and white photos and images and then adding color, collage, or even embroidery.

3. I finally finished Dear Medusa by Olivia A. Cole. I stopped reading it a while ago and decided to pick it back up, and I'm really glad I did. It's a heavy but powerful read. 

4. r.h. Sin shared 36 things he learned in his 36 years of life in honor of his birthday. So many of these lessons 

5. I've been feeling under the weather, so chicken noodle soup has been such a comfort this week.

6. I needed some new t-shirts, and luckily, Old Navy had my favorite t-shirts on sale.

7. Getting Back into the Swing of Things (The New Yorker) 

8. I participated in Exhale's March blog hop. You can check out my piece here.

9. Currently drinking and loving: Evolution Fresh cold-pressed juices. I highly recommend the Mighty Watermelon and Organic Defense Up juices.

10. I'm loving these lazy Sundays. It's been so nice lounging, reading, and catching up on shows. 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Friday, March 21, 2025

In the stillness

March is often a chaotic and emotional month for me. It's the birth and death anniversary of my baby brother. When I think about peace, I think about the little moments that have comforted me over the past few weeks as the waves of grief ebb and flow.

1. I go for a walk on the Silver Comet Trail. I walk for miles and miles and miles. The weather is warmer now. The flowers are blooming, and the plants are coming back to life. I crave the stillness. The only sounds are the birds singing and the squirrels and chipmunks running across the trail and into the bushes and trees. I think about anything and everything. Sometimes, a runner passes by, and we share a brief nod or a smile. Sometimes, I'm surprised by a friend or coworker, and we stop to chat. And then we're on our way. I continue to walk and walk and walk.

2. I discover a new-to-me song on one of my favorite Apple's playlists, Chill Mix. Skott's Overcome has been on repeat. I always stop what I'm doing, and my eyes well up when she sings, "Do you ever wonder what it's like losing what you cannot be without?" And I wonder, is it strange to miss someone who you never got to meet? Still, I mourn. Still, I find comfort in music. 

3. I reread Hello Grief by Alessandra Olanow. The images and words are much needed and appreciated. Although it's a quick read, I love that there were some great reminders. 

4. I sit at my favorite spot in my home, the bay window in my dining room. I light a candle and smell the fresh flowers. I pull out my art and memory-keeping supplies and pour my emotions onto paper. It's the first time in weeks (it may very well have been a month or so) that I've actually used my crafty supplies. I realized how much I missed creating and how much I needed to make something—anything—with my hands.

5. After the boys are in bed, John and I watch a show on TV. When we finally decide to go to bed, he senses I'm feeling down. He listens while I tell him how I'm feeling and holds me until I fall asleep. I'm grateful that it doesn't matter if I need to speak or simply be held; John is always there.

6. Tonight, I sit alone on the living room couch. I sit in the stillness of the night. It's well past bedtime, and John and the boys are asleep. I allow myself to feel my emotions and grieve privately. I end up crying. I cry for my mother, who had to endure the loss of a child. No parent should ever have to go through that. I cry and wonder how she managed to overcome that loss. I will forever be in awe of Mami. I cry for my older brother and sisters because we never got to meet our baby brother. I wonder if they still grieve for him. I cried for myself and everything I had hoped for my little brother, Mike. I cry for Mike. I cry because he didn't get to experience life. He didn't get to see this world. I cry because I feel like we were robbed of his life. I cry because the "what-ifs" (and the could've, would've, should've) still plague my mind. I cry because I can only imagine what life would have been like if Mike were here...if he had lived. I cry and cry and cry. And when I stop, I embrace the stillness of the night, and for a little bit, I feel a bit of relief, comfort, and peace. 

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Peace."

Photo by Jun on Unsplash

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Spring 2025 Bucket List

Happy Wednesday! I'm a little early, but happy first day of spring! Spring officially begins tomorrow, but I'm so over winter, and I can't wait for spring's arrival. I'm so ready for warmer weather, the return of my local farmers market, and all the flowers. 

As always, with a new season comes a seasonal bucket list. May this tradition never end. Although a few things on my bucket list have been included in previous lists, there are also some new additions. Check out my bucket list below.

  • Read outside
  • Visit 3 new-to-me coffee shops
  • Finish watching With Love, Meghan
  • Publish 5 personal pieces on the blog
  • Try 3 new recipes
  • Submit a piece to an online publication
  • Participate in Exhale's blog hops
  • Complete 1 unfinished (i.e., abandoned) creative project
  • Work in my sketchbook/journal
  • Try a new art technique
  • Complete 1 class by Liz Lamoreux
  • Complere 1 Studio Calico class
  • Visit a museum
  • Buy flowers
  • Participate in a book challenge
  • Visit a new-to-me bookstore
  • Go for a family walk every week
  • Make and publish a photo essay
  • Make a zine
  • Watch 3 new (or new-to-me) movies
  • Give myself grace
  • Catch up on reading my Bella Grace and In Her Studio magazines
  • Go to the library at least once a week

What is on your spring bucket list?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Zoe Richardson on Unsplash

Friday, March 14, 2025

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. The afternoons have been so gorgeous! I love that we're getting warmer, spring-like weather. 

2. 99 Questions To Ask Your Partner To Know Them Better (The Good Trade)

3. A song on repeat: Pain by Boy Harsher (I recently discovered this band and this song from this post by r.h. Sin.)

4. Massachusetts just made birth control and emergency contraception free for eligible people

5. I watched the first two episodes of With Love, Meghan, and have really enjoyed this series. Now, I want to make a frittata and a balloon arch.

6. I love seeing the yellow Jonquils and other flowers around the city. I'm definitely still in my floral era.

7. Unfortunately, I didn't see the blood moon due to the weather. However, I really loved seeing photos people took of the blood moon in different cities and countries of the moon. 

8. I've been getting a lot of stuff done well in advance, and I've never been more grateful for my planner than I am now.

9. Reading. I've read good books, articles, and newsletters in the past two weeks. 

10. It's finally Friday! I'm looking forward to getting some rest, spending time with my family, and working on some creative projects.

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at one of our go-to coffee shops. Instead of ordering our usual, we'll opt to try something new. Maybe a seasonal drink or pastry. Since it'll be close to lunchtime, I'll order a Chipotle chicken sandwich. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that Daylight Saving Time is kicking my butt. I hate when the time changes because it takes me a while to get used to it. However, I love that it's not getting dark so early, and the time change is a sign that spring is almost here. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I went to the grand opening of the cutest little bookstore in my city. It's called Sincerely Yours Bookstore. The store is super pink and heavy on romance, but it also carries some other genres. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that this month feels weird. I'm experiencing waves of grief, yet I am having more days of feeling settled, grounded, and relieved. It's odd how I feel opposite emotions at the same time. I could ramble on about this, but I think I'll just sit with these emotions for a bit and try to reflect on them. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you I'm in this weird creative rut. It's not that I don't have time to create or ideas on what to make. It's simply that I can't decide where to begin. I have a couple of sketchbooks and notebooks that I want to use, but I can't decide on which one to try first. It's really frustrating because I'm dying to play with paper and make something, but what's holding me back is which sketchbook to use. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm glad we were able to catch up. Our little coffee chats are a highlight of my month and something I really appreciate. I hope you enjoy the rest of the month. Here's to better days ahead, giving ourselves grace and being kinder to ourselves and each other. See you next month.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Sunday, March 9, 2025

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. I went to the grand opening of a new bookstore in my city, Sincerely Yours Bookstore, on Saturday. It's such a cute little bookstore. It's definitely heavy on the romance genre, but they also carry a few other genres. 

2. Sunday is the woman I want to be

3. I found a new-to-me artist on Instagram, @kindahkhalidy, and absolutely love her work.

4. I am giving up Pepsi and Coca-Cola for Lent, and it's been going well so far. I still drink Olipop and Poppi, but I don't feel guilty because they are healthier than Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

5. Speaking of drinks, I discovered a new-to-me drink, Caliwater, and I am obsessed! I tried Caliwater's Watermelon Cactus Water, and it is delicious! Raphael even loves it. I'm pretty sure this will probably be my go-to drink for the foreseeable future. 

6. Old Navy had some great sales, and I used my Super Cash to buy a few things for the boys and myself. I purchased four swing dresses in different colors (white, black, green, and lilac/pinkish color). I love how it fits. I am short, so the dresses hit just a bit past my knee. However, I love the length, and it feels so soft. It's a bit loose-fitting, but I like my dresses to fit this way. If you like your dresses to fit a little tighter, you may want to size down.

7. I was so excited to finally watch With Love, Meghan. I enjoyed watching the first episode and can't wait to watch the rest of the series.

8. Celebrating International Women's Day. Love these reminders

9. A song I'm loving: For Island Fires and Family by Dermot Kennedy

10. Even though I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time (when it starts and ends), I am excited about it starting because we're so much closer to the official start of spring. 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 2025 Goals

Happy Tuesday! It's finally March. February was a whirlwind, and the last week made me feel mentally exhausted. My emotions were definitely all over the place. 

February was an eventful month. In February, John and I went on a date to a new-to-us restaurant. We enjoyed the food and drinks. After dinner, we went for a walk around the square. We're not really into Valentine's Day, but we always get each other a gift. I tried to think more outside the box when deciding what gifts to give them, but I also kept it simple. I was really excited to give John and the boys their gifts this year. I actually had time to watch two films! I watched Fallen and La Ciguapa Siempre. I also took time to vote, participated in Exhale's monthly blog hop, and enjoyed new things. 

In March, I'm hoping for some peace. March is usually an emotional month for me because it's my baby brother's death anniversary month. This month, I'm hoping to give myself some grace. 

I set new goals for the month, but it'll be okay if I don't complete them. Since I mentioned goals, let's recap my February goals and check out the goals I set for March.

Recap of February Goals
  • Read 5 books: February was a good reading month. I read 16 books, including short stories, children's books, and romance novels. My favorite read of the month was Alice Hoffman's The Bookstore Sisters. I highly recommend this series. 
  • Read 2 books I received from NetGalley: I did read two books I received from NetGalley: When You're A Boy by Blake Nuto and Sketchbook Joy by Katie Moody. I really enjoyed Nuto's book and thought the message was great. Sketchbook Joy passed the time. This was definitely a book for beginners. I wish there were more prompts in the book. However, it is still a pretty good resource.
  • Participate in Exhale's February blog hop: I did participate in the blog hop. You can check out my piece here.
  • Work on my One Little Word project: I did not work on it, but I did think about the prompt and plan to complete it. So, maybe I can get half credit for that. 
  • Try 2 new recipes: I can't remember if I made anything new, so I'm going to assume I didn't. 
  • Make time to play with my scrapbook and memory-keeping supplies: Sadly, I didn't do this. The main problem was simply beginning. Every time I went to work on a creative project, I just couldn't decide where to start, became frustrated, and just did something else.
  • Complete the latest round of Five Things: Oof, I did not do this. I may incorporate some of the prompts into my art journal this month.

March Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Read 1 book I borrowed from the library
  • Read 1 book I received from NetGalley
  • Participate in Exhale's March blog hop
  • Try 1 new recipe
  • Make time to play with my scrapbook/memory-keeping supplies
  • Complete this month's One Little Word prompt

What are your goals for March? How did you do in February?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Zoe Richardson on Unsplash