Friday, September 29, 2023

September 2023 // A List

September, September.

What a month you have been.

Started off a bit rough but is coming to a gentle end.

I learned so many things this month.

Realized so much.

I'm closer to making a big decision, and I'm excited.

September was a month of contemplation.

A month for spending time with my family.

A month of seeking and finding comfort.

A month filled with good books and good music.

September was a month of letting go.

A month of thinking, "What will be, will be."

A month of taking care of myself.

September was an emotional month.






September, you were a whirlwind.

The month went differently than I had planned and hoped.

But I'm thankful for everything (yes, the bad and, of course, the good) that has happened during this month.

So thank you, September, and goodbye.

Hello, October.

I've been waiting for you.

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Currently: September 2023


Watching: Michael and I have been watching some videos we need to edit for the Hispanic Heritage Month school project he's working on. His class has to make a dish or drink and record themselves making it. I remember having to do this project in middle school, so it brought back memories.

Reading: All the romance novels. I'm also reading Dear Medusa by Olivia A. Cole and How We Got By by Shaina Feinburg. It's taking me longer than usual to read both books, but I'm almost done reading them.

Listening: I laughed when I wrote down the names of the artists I'm currently listening to. My playlists are so unpredictable, but I love it. Anyway, I'm really loving Crimson Apple's Noises and War With My Mind. Nina Simone's New World Coming (darkDARK remix) has been on repeat. Kennie's Pretty is another new favorite.

Making: I've been working on my Project Life album and was so excited to put my new supplies from Paper Person to good use. I'm still making one-line drawings in my journal, and it's been so much fun. 

Feeling: I'm feeling so content and hopeful. This week off of work was just what I needed. 

Planning: I have a few big plans in the works. I'm more hopeful and excited than anxious about these plans, which is great.

Loving: I'm loving Fall Break. We went to the fair and had a blast. John and I also went on a date and tried a new restaurant. I'm loving the plans we have for the rest of fall break. We still have a few places that we're hoping to visit before the break is over, so I'm excited about those plans. 

What are you currently up to?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Sunday, September 24, 2023

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly grateful and happy list link up.

1. It's finally fall! I love this time of year!

2. I found my Halloween costume!

3. Celebrating the first day of fall with a pumpkin spice latte and a pumpkin spice bundtlet.

4. Fall Break has arrived. I'm excited to spend time with my family and get some much-needed rest.

5. Cooler weather

6. Sleeping in

7. Visiting Mami

8. Making Morir Soñando with Michael and Mami (I love that Michael's class has a project for Hispanic Heritage Month)

9. Golden Hour by JVKE

10. Getting so many new books to read (I'm really grateful that I received so many arcs I wanted to read.)

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Fall 2023 Bucket List

Happy Saturday and First Day of Fall! I am so excited that it's finally fall. It really is the best season and the most wonderful time of the year. The signs of fall were already here, but it feels so much better now that it's officially fall. I always get struck with a hint of magic on the first day of fall.

Today was an amazing day. We're currently on fall break so it'll be nice to start doing our traditional fall activities. We spent the day with Mami and had so much fun. To celebrate the first day of fall, I bought a pumpkin spice latte and a pumpkin spice bundtlet. I also played a few fall themed songs and even bought my Halloween costume. Since today was a great day, I'm taking it as a sign that this season is going to be amazing.

Of course, now that the season has changed, it's time to share my fall bucket list. I absolutely love making seasonal bucket lists. As usual, I have my favorite things on the list, but I also included a couple of new things. I can't wait to start crossing off some things and maybe I'll even add a few more things to the list in the coming days.

  • Read 10 books
  • Read 4 spooky books by October 31
  • Watch a new-to-me scary movie
  • Visit a haunted house
  • Go to the fair
  • Try 2 new recipes
  • Go on a staycation
  • Document fall in my journal 
  • Submit two pieces to online or print publications
  • Complete my Little Summer Joy mini book
  • Participate in a Fall reading challenge
  • Complete 2 months in my Project Life album
  • Complete 1 creative course
  • Declutter the closets
  • Participate in more blog hops
  • Publish a photo essay 

What is on your fall bucket list?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Dave on Unsplash

Sunday, September 17, 2023

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly grateful and happy list link up.

2. Celebrating John's birthday

3. Celebrating my coworker's birthday

6. Ordering some new scrapbook supplies from Studio Calico and Paper Person Shop

7. Continuing to try one-line drawings

8. The slightly chilly air in the mornings

9. Carvel ice cream cake

10. Naps on the weekends

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Monday, September 11, 2023

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at our favorite local coffee shop that sells books and is pure perfection. We'd check out the books while waiting for our pastries and seasonal drinks.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so excited for autumn. Most stores like Target have all of their fall collections out. I'm shocked I haven't bought a mug or two from Target. However, I did buy an iced coffee cup at the Farmers Market. While at one of the farmer's markets, we went to over the weekend, the boys tried a sample of pumpkin bread and loved it. Of course, I bought a loaf. I've also been consuming too many pumpkin spice lattes, but I have changed it up and made some pumpkin spice hot chocolate. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not tired of pumpkin-flavored drinks and food.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I think I'm finally getting out of my creative block. I've been working on my journal every day. I'm working on Liz Layne's Side by Side prompts in my journal and have been trying one-line drawings. I'm currently working on blog posts and some pieces for some upcoming Exhale blog hops. This creative burst is just what I needed, and I'm so grateful for it.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I've been reading so many good books and newsletters. I just read Ella Frances Sanders' latest newsletter, and the first line, "This month landed with a gulp," was so relatable. I keep finding so many written words that are hitting close to home. I'm going to take it as a sign. A sign for what? I don't know, but I should keep paying attention to those little words. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so glad that we were able to catch up. I know we've had to meet towards the end of the month lately, and things have been so busy, but I'm happy we could meet earlier. These little coffee chats mean so much to me. I can't wait to meet up again soon. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and have a great month.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Joshua Hill on Unsplash

Saturday, September 9, 2023

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Saturday! Today I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly grateful and happy list link up.

2. These modern times we're living in (Seriously, thank goodness for healthcare and medicine)

3. Raphael is feeling much better after being sick for a few days

4. Daily journaling and drawing

5. New books

6. Going to the Marietta Square Farmers Market

7. New books

8. Lunch at Lucky's and Cousins Maine Lobster

9. The two nice women who offered to take our family photos so I wouldn't be left out of the pictures 

10. Lists

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Monday, September 4, 2023

September Goals

Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day! Can you believe that it's September? I have to say that I'm beyond excited that it's September. August was an absolute dumpster fire of a month and I'm glad that it's over. 

School is officially back in session. I can't believe that my youngest son is in Kindergarten and middle son is now in middle school, and this year will be my oldest son's last year in middle school. The first day of school was definitely bittersweet. 

Work has been so busy and stressful, but it's starting to ease up a little and I'm finally getting into the groove of having a routine. I ended up getting sick towards the end of the month and had a bit of a scare, but thankfully my trip to the doctor went well. I'm feeling much better and I'm just thankful that I'm ok. 

Last month, was such a busy month that I didn't really focus on my monthly goals. In fact, looking back at my goals for August, I realized that I forgot about most of my goals so when you read through my recap don't be surprised when you see how many goals I didn't accomplish.

This month, I'm looking forward to a slower, more peaceful month. I'm looking forward to Fall Break and spending time with my family. I'm looking forward to consuming a ridiculous amount of pumpkin spice lattes and baked goods. I'm looking forward to all things cozy. I'm looking forward to getting out of this creative block and working on some creative projects.

Before I continue to ramble, let's have a quick recap on how I did with my goals in August and check out my new goals for September.

Recap of August Goals

  • Read and review 1 book I received from NetGalley: I read Pretty Ugly by David Sedaris, Remember Love by Cleo Wade, and Nights of Silk and Sapphire by Amber Jacobs. I absolutely loved Remember Love by Cleo. Pretty Ugly was an ok read. I did not really like Nights of Silk and Sapphire and I would honestly kind of consider that one to be filed under DNF (did not finish). 

  • Read 1 book I borrowed from the library: I read I Was Their American Dream by Malaka Gharib.  I Was Their American Dream is a graphic memoir about Malaka's life. It was interesting to learn about her family's Filipino and Egyptian cultures and customs. 

  • Complete 1 One Little Word lesson: I did not complete a One Little Word lesson. I read the prompt, but completely forgot to work on the actual lesson.

  • Complete at least 1 month in my 2023 Project Life album: So I didn't work on my Project Life album, but I did look through the album to see what I wanted to work on next. 

  • Complete Side by Side ecourse: I didn't complete the ecourse, but I did read the daily emails. I decided to complete this class in September since August was just an out of control month for me.

  • Work on my Little Summer Joy mini accordion album: This was another project that I didn't even bother to work on. I'm planning to keep this project very simple. Luckily, I have the album set up so all I have to do is add my photos and maybe do some light journaling.

September Goals

  • Read and review 2 books I received from NetGalley
  • Read 1 book I borrowed from the library
  • Complete 1 One Little Word lesson
  • Complete at least 1 month in my 2023 Project Life album
  • Complete Side by Side ecourse
  • Work on my Little Summer Joy mini accordion album

What are your goals for September? How did you do in August?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Sunday, September 3, 2023

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly grateful and happy list link-up.

1. Health insurance (I haven't been feeling well for over a week, and a couple of days ago, I felt so sick that I needed to go to the doctor. I'm doing better, but this reminded me that I'm so lucky to have health insurance.)

2. Exhale's writing resources

3. My coworkers 

4. Pumpkin Spice donuts from Krispy Kreme

5. Getting some much-needed rest

6. Noises by Crimson Apple (This song has been on repeat.)

7. Savage Her Reply by Deidre Sullivan (I just started reading this book, and I love it. Savage Her Reply is a retelling of the Irish fairytale, The Children of Lir.)

8. Working in my sketchbook/journal (One of my goals for this month is to work in my sketchbook every day. I'm working on this month's One Little Word prompt and Liz Layne's Side by Side course in my sketchbook. I'm also practicing one-line drawings in my sketchbook.)

9. Trying a new recipe (I made a chicken burrito bowl, and the boys loved it.)

10. It's finally September!

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Friday, September 1, 2023

August 2023 // A List

Oh, August.

You came in fast and furious.

But you definitely took your time to go.

August you were the slowest and longest month by far.

Perhaps it's because summer is ending and school started up again.

Routines are back again.

But August...

You were absolutely brutal.

There were long days, excessive heat, and so many bumps along the way.

I cried a few times and felt overwhelmed.

But you made me grateful to have family and friends who helped lift me up.

August, you were a whirlwind that I won't forget.

But I'm grateful to see how far I've come.

I won't lie and say I'm not sad to see you go.

But I will say that I'm happy and grateful for the lessons that I learned. 

So long, August.

Hello, September.

Here's to better days ahead and, hopefully, a more peaceful month.