Wednesday, January 1, 2020

December Goals Recap and January Goals

Happy New Year! 2020 is finally here! I still can't believe how fast 2019 went, but I'm so excited for the new year. I accomplished so many things in 2019, and I can't wait to see how this year is going to go.

I'm going to do things a little differently. I'm going to share a recap of my December goals as well as my goals for January. However, I do plan on sharing my word for the year in the next week or so. I also plan on sharing some yearly goals in the next couple of days. I didn't want to make a massive post, so I hope you all don't mind.

So let's check out how I did in December, and then let's check out my goals for January.

Recap of December Goals
  • Read 1 book: I accomplished my reading goal. I was actually really close to not finishing a book in December. We had so much stuff going on, and honestly, I think I fell into a reading slump. I ended up reading The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy and absolutely loved it. I can't wait to share my review soon.
  • Try 1 new recipe: Yikes! Once again, I didn't try a new recipe. Something has got to change. 
  • Take 1 Skillshare class: This was a fail. I completely forgot to finish one of the courses. 
  • Work on my art project: I didn't work on my art project because I was more focused on completing 30 Days of Lists. 
  • Work in my journal: This was a fail. I had so much to say, but I just didn't know how to put it into words or art (if that makes sense). 
  • Complete the December Pause session of Here course by Liz Lamoreux: Sadly, I didn't even start on this class. I'm hoping to work on it this month.
  • Document my December: I definitely took lots of pictures, but I didn't actually make any layouts. I'm not considering this a fail because I did take lots of photos. 
  • Declutter (with a big focus on my closets): So we did declutter a lot of things, but we didn't get to our closets. Instead, we focused on the enormous amounts of toys that the boys no longer play with. So I'm considering this a success.
  • Donate lots of stuff: Oh my goodness! We donated so much stuff. It seriously amazes me how much we can accumulate in just a short amount of time. It felt so good to donate a lot of things.

January Goals
  • Read 1 book
  • Take 1 Skillshare class
  • Work in my journal
  • Work on my art memoir project
  • Declutter my closets

What are your goals for January? How did you do in December?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...


  1. Great recap! What kind of skillshare class?

    1. I want to take Mari Andrews' new class. Her first class was so good. I'm sure her new class is going to be amazing.

  2. That's awesome you were able to donate a lot of stuff - it's a good feeling!!

    Good luck with your January goals.


    1. Thank you! It felt so good to donate a bunch of stuff. I hope you have a great day.
