Friday, January 3, 2020

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! Today I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link up.

1. It's a new year! Welcome, 2020!

2. Date night

3. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

4. Completing my reading challenge for 2019

5. Using my new planner

6. Completing my 30 Days of Lists mini-album

7. Early Birthday Rewards

8. Newk's

9. Celebrating my birthday early

10. Starting a new book

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...


  1. Happy New Year! Sounds like another great week!

  2. I love opening up a new planet and I’m still getting used to mine. I hope you loved Star Wars and bc early birthday celebrations!! Hope you are enjoying the weekend (and when is your birthday?! My brain is mush lately but I’d love to make a shoutout in our group!).

    1. It was a pretty good movie. There were a couple of things that bothered me, but overall the movie was good.

  3. What is your reading goal for 2020?? My goal for 2019 was 110 books, I read 125. I'm not REAL sure if I can surpass that so I set my 2020 goal for 125. I've read six books so far this year so I'm off to a good start!

    1. I wish I could read that many books. My goal is to read 15 books. I read 20 books last year (I had actually wanted to read 12). I was so happy that I actually was able to read 20 books. Here's to hoping that I can read at least 15 books this year.

  4. I haven't seen the new Star Wars movie yet, but I'm dying to! Way to go on completing your reading challenge. I'm still finishing up a few books from last year before I start on 2020's.

    1. The Star Wars movie was good. I highly recommend it. Let me know when you watch it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
