Monday, April 1, 2019

The Ides of March

Happy Monday! Thank goodness that it is finally April because March was absolutely horrible. March is usually an incredibly emotional month for me. March is the month that we lost my baby brother. However, this month was just incredibly brutal. One bad thing after another kept happening.

This month I learned about the Ides of March. It just so happened that my worst week in March occurred during the week of the Ides of March. This year's Ides of March was on Friday, March 15. That day was the worst day of the month. I'm sure you might be curious about what caused that day to be horrible. I've decided to share a page from my journal about the day. Let's have a little recap.

Friday, March 15, 2019 - The Ides of March

This week has been the WORST WEEK EVER! But today just won the award for WORST DAY EVER! 

Poor Raphael has been sick since Tuesday so we made an appointment for him this morning. Mind you I've probably got about 3 hours of sleep last night.

I dropped Michael and Gabriel off at school. After Raphael and I got home, he finally fell asleep around 8 AM. About 5 minutes later, I got a call from the school. <insert silent scream> Apparently Gabriel was not feeling well. He seemed perfectly fine this morning. I would never send my kids to school if I knew they were sick. Anyways, I woke Raphael up. And he was PISSED!

We went to school and picked up Gabriel. And guess what? He seemed fine! I think he just played all of us!

So now we're on our way to Raphael's appointment. He obviously has a cold, but he also has pink eye. After the appointment, I told Gabriel to get in the car. As I'm taking Raphael out of his stroller, I started to feel raindrops and a second later, it starts to pour! I didn't even get the damn stroller in the trunk! So now I'm struggling to get the big ass jogger stroller in my trunk. I accepted defeat, but not before screaming in the parking lot.

You would think that it's over, but no...wait there's more! So I decided that I needed a pick-me-up and drove to Krispy Kreme. I wanted to get a dozen green glazed donuts for an early St. Patrick's Day celebration and to eat my feelings. So I arrived at Krispy Kreme and they told me "Sorry due to technical difficulties, we won't have the green glazed donuts until after 3". Until after 3? I told them "Ok. I'll come back later." But I didn't go because I just knew that something else would happen.

And all of this took place before 11 AM.

So there you have it. March 15 was the worst day ever. It might not have been as horrible as Julius Caesar's Ides of March, but it was still a rough day. After that day was over, I decided that I needed to take it easy for the rest of the month. Unfortunately, this meant that I wouldn't be able to blog as much as I would like. However, I'm feeling much better and more hopeful.

The last few days of March were some of the best days of the month. My family and I are starting to feel so much better. We were sick for most of the month which was not fun. So I'm very grateful that my boys are feeling better.

Usually, I try not to post anything negative on my blog, but I was amazed by how the day turned out. I just had to share that recap with all of you.

Here's to hoping that April is a better month than the last one and for better days.

How was your March?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time.

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash


  1. What a day! Wouldn't you rather get the bad stuff crammed into one Ides of March day and get it over with? For me, the donuts would have gone a long way to appease the crappiness of the day.

    Hot and Ready. C'mon, Krispy Kreme!

    1. Now that you mention was definitely good that all the bad stuff was crammed into one day. It would be horrible to have a bad day every single day...for an entire month.

  2. I'm sorry you had a rough March, and that day does sound awful! I hope that April is much better and no more sickness - oh, and get yourself some donuts! ;)


    1. Thank you for the kind words. April is already a much better month than March. I'm feeling so much more hopeful and at peace.

  3. Oh man that does sound like an awful day! I hope April is a much better month than March was for you and that you're all on the mend!

    1. It was truly a horrendous day. I'm so glad that it's over. April is already a better month. I'm looking forward to the rest of the month.

  4. So sorry to hear you had a rough March. It wasn't my best month either. I've always heard the "beware the ides of March" before but never really thought about it in a context of my own life. Hope your April is much better!

    1. I'm so sorry that March was not a good month for you. Here's to April. I hope you have a great month.
