Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer 2024 Bucket List

Happy First Day of Summer! It's the official start of summer although it's felt like summer for weeks now. As usual, I've made my annual summer bucket list. It's a tradition that I absolutely love. Some things on the bucket list are activities that we normally do every summer, but there are a few new things that I'd like to try to do or visit this summer. Check out my list below.

  • Read 5 books
  • Make 2 new recipes
  • Go to 2 new or new-to-me restaurants
  • Publish 3 personal essays
  • Drink more water
  • Drink less soda
  • Finish 1 half-completed project
  • Go to the pool
  • Go to the Farmer's Market
  • Watch 2 movies
  • Finish watching the Dead Boy Detectives
  • Visit a new park
  • Go somewhere new
  • Make s'mores
  • Go to our local splash pad
  • Create a photo essay
  • Participate in Exhale's blog hops
  • Journal more
  • Visit the library twice a month

What's on your summer bucket list?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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