Monday, June 10, 2024

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd stop at my favorite, new-to-me coffee shop, Café Lucia. I'd order a seasonal coffee, a BLT sandwich, and a pastry. Of course, we'll probably order something to take home as well. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that last week (and the start of June) was such an amazing, fun-filled week. We took the boys to FUNBOX and had a blast. I think the parents had just as much fun as the kids. We also went to a new-to-us restaurant, The Corner Taqueria, for Taco Tuesday. We absolutely loved it! The fried ice cream was my favorite. I can't believe we've lived so close to this restaurant and haven't gone until now. After dinner, we took the boys to a playground and went for an evening walk. I also decided to go to a new-to-me coffee shop, Café Lucia, which I liked. I was able to study and enjoy some delicious coffee.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that this past weekend was also great. I took the boys to the farmer's market on Saturday and bought some amazing treats. I bought some beignets, a strawberry croissant, a pain au chocolat, and madeleines from an authentic French bakery. I also bought some pepperoni rolls, which we had for lunch, a strawberry shortcake muffin, and a bag of granola. On Sunday, I had a girls' night at Bartaco with some ladies from the Atlanta Mom team. The tacos, chorizo bowls, and margaritas were delicious. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I recently read a pretty good book by Matthew Eicheldinger called Sticky Notes: Memorable Lessons from Ordinary Moments. In the book, Eicheldinger shares stories from his years of teaching and the lessons he's learned from his students. It was a quick read, but the short stories were great. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm enjoying working on creative projects like the latest Here: 5 Things course. I've been using my Neocolors II crayons to work on the prompts. This is my latest favorite art supply, and I love how versatile they are. I've been dipping them in water or I'll draw and then use a watercolor brush over the marks. Another project I'm working on is my Project Life album. I finally got a big batch of photos from Persnickety Prints, and I've already put two months' worth of pictures into layouts. Now, I have to get the journaling done.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm focusing on my health this summer. I've made my doctor's appointments to get my annual checkup/physical. I've been drinking as much water as possible and limiting my caffeine intake. I've neglected my well-being for a while, but I feel much better now that I'm making some changes. I'm doing my best to rest and relax while also making sure to do the things that I want to do. I'm focusing on spending time with my family and going to different places with John and the boys. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer. I'm glad we were able to catch up. I hope the rest of the month goes well for you. I hope you have the best summer ever. I can't wait to meet up again.

What would you tell me? 

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Natanja Grün on Unsplash

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