Monday, June 3, 2024

June Goals

Happy Monday! Can you believe that it's June? As much as I enjoyed May, I'm ready for a slower month filled with a decent amount of rest and relaxation. May was a fun filled month full of celebrations, last minute errands, and a mile long to do list.

In May, we celebrated my oldest son's, Michael, birthday. We also celebrated my nephew's birthday. We celebrated Mother's Day at Mami's house. It was a big school year for my boys. They each hit some milestones this year. Raphael started and finished kindergarten. Gabriel finished his first year of middle school. Michael graduated from eight grade and is now heading to high school! You guys...I'm going to have a high schooler! Time is going by too fast. And yes, I may have shed a tear or two for my boys. As for me, this was a big year in regards to my job and it was a wild ride. I definitely celebrated surviving the year.

This month, I'm looking forward to going to my local farmer's markets and handmade markets. I'm looking forward to having a date night with John at an event that I have been looking forward to for weeks. I'm looking forward to reading good books, relaxing at the pool, and eating delicious food and treats. I'm looking forward to working on some crafty projects. I'm excited to have this creative burst of energy and I'm looking forward to putting it to good use. Most of all, I'm looking forward to a slower month and savoring the every day moments.

Before I continue to ramble, let's get to the main reason of this post which are my new goals for June and a quick recap on my May goals.

Recap of May Goals

  • Read 2 books I borrowed from the library: I borrowed several books from the library, but was able to finish reading exactly two books. I read Open Throat by Henry Hoke and The Puppets of Spelhorst by Kate DiCamillo. I enjoyed reading Open Throat. It was truly an unexpected read, but a great read. I absolutely loved The Puppets of Spelhorst. 10/10 highly recommend. 
  • Catch up on reading Substack newsletters: I've been slowly catching up on several Substack newsletters and I'm loving the app. It's so much more convenient.
  • Participate in Exhale's May blog hop: I did participate in Exhale's May blog hop. You can find my piece here.
  • Work in my traveler's notebook: This did not happen. I completely forgot about this goal. However, I did work in my Project Life album.
  • Try 2 new recipes: I'm still on a pasta kick so I made spicy chicken andouille sausage pasta with spicy marinara sauce. It was delicious and really easy to make. It's officially farmer's market season so I bought the andouille sausage from one my favorite farmer's market. I also made some breakfast sandwiches using some new-to-me brands. I'm not sure if I should even count this since it was a simple egg, bacon, cheese sandwich, but I'm going to count it since I actually made the sandwiches.
  • Work in my sketchbook/journal: I did work in my sketchbook and used the Messy May prompts for a couple of pages.
  • Participate in Get Messy's Messy May: I did participate in Messy May, but I didn't work on every single prompt and I also didn't work on it every day. However, I participated which I was glad to do. I plan to slowly work through the prompts.

June Goals
  • Read 6 books
  • Read 1 book I borrowed from the library
  • Participate in Exhale's June blog hop
  • Go to my local handmade market at least twice in June
  • Work on my Project Life album
  • Try 1 new recipe

What are your goals for June? How did you do in May?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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