Friday, May 17, 2024

What You Can't See

A mom coming home after work and running errands / The absolute exhaustion on my face / A mom and educator who is ready for summer / The absolute joy that the countdown is giving me / The hope I have that next year will be better / The look of relief that I survived this work year / How much I've grown this year / How much I've learned this year / The state of confusion that I'm currently in / The look on my face after realizing that having too many options is both a good thing and a bad thing / A mom who is wondering what to cook for dinner / A mom who is grateful and excited to find out that her husband already started making dinner / The list of things that I have to get done / The list of things I hope to do during summer / The hopes and dreams I have / How proud I am of my boys' accomplishments this year / The look on my face when the thought and fact that my kids really are growing up suddenly hits me hard / My anxiety popping up now that my oldest son is about to start high school / Me googling "Best first phone for teenager" / How grateful I am for my kids' doctors and modern medicine / How much my family's support has meant to me / How thankful I am for my husband and children /  My resilience despite the hardships that I endured / How far I've come / How far I will go.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale - an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Silhouette."

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