Monday, July 1, 2019

July Goals

Happy Monday! It's a new month! June just flew by. I'm excited, but also kind of dreading that it's July. We have a lot of stuff planned for this month that I'm looking forward to, but I'm not looking forward to the heat.

Since it's a new month, it's time for some new goals. Before we get to the new goals, let's recap on my goals from June. Just a heads up...I didn't do so well on my goals for June.

Recap of June Goals
  • Read 2 books: This was a fail. I don't feel too bad about not accomplishing this goal because I did read one book and I'm almost done with my second book. I read Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom for A Better Life by Cleo Wade and it was amazing. I'm also reading Take Me With You by Andrea Gibson. I'm taking my time reading Andrea's book because I love it so much. 
  • Try 3 new recipes: This was a fail. I don't even have an excuse for this. I did make a juice that I usually only drink during Summer.
  • Complete 2 Skillshare classes: This was a pass. I took two courses by Elle Luna.  I also completed a course by Dale McManus.  I really loved taking Dale's iPhone photography class. I learned some new tips and techniques. I can't wait to put what I learned to use. If you are interested in signing up for Skillshare, you can sign up here
  • Go for a walk every day: This was a fail. The first half of June was not so great. Raphael and I were not feeling well. When I finally felt better, I just did not feel motivated to exercise or walk at all. 

July Goals
  • Read 1 book
  • Try 2 new recipes
  • Complete 2 Skillshare classes
  • Exercise/Stay Active 3 days a week
  • Make art 3 days a week

What are your goals for July?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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  1. I think you had a pretty good June, even if you didn't check off the things on the list - you did other things too!! Good luck with all of your July goals.


  2. I love that you were able to take some new classes! What a great goal! I always love learning new things and I always forget there are SO MANY great classes online to keep learning and getting better at different skills!

    1. Thank you so much. I love all the resources that are available to continue to learn new things.

  3. June was a hard month! I didn't get any of my goals accomplished at all. Good for you finishing the two courses, that is awesome!

    1. June was such a hard and slow month. I do love that it was kind of a slow month. I took my time with everything and it was so needed. It was a nice reminder to myself that I need to slow down.

  4. I didn't do well on last month's goals either, but hey, it happens! like the idea of Plastic Free July, I'm just not sure what exactly I would change that I don't already do so I didn't list that one. Good luck with yur July goals!

    1. I'm trying to get better at remembering to bring my reusable cup to Starbucks. I'm also using reusable grocery bags. I've been using them for a while now, but noticed that every now and then, I'll forget to bring them. I also reuse the plastic grocery bags as well so I don't feel too bad if I have to take one. I think I'm going to purchase some reusable straws. I heard that plastic straws can't be recycled.
