Tuesday, July 9, 2019

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd go meet up at a favorite coffee shop and take our drinks and pastries to go. We'd take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a walk around the city.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask you if you enjoyed the long weekend. I'd tell you that I was not really in the mood to celebrate the Fourth of July. This year just felt different. It didn't feel like something worth celebrating, especially with what's going on in this country.  I did buy a bunch of holiday desserts, and I took advantage of a few deals. Surprisingly, John was able to get the day off. We got a few errands taken care of early in the day. Overall, we had a great time relaxing and spending time with each other.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask for your opinion on the casting of The Little Mermaid. I'd tell you that I was pleasantly surprised at the casting. I'm not familiar with a lot of Halle Bailey's work, but I think she will do a good job. I'd tell you that I have no idea why so many people are trying to compare Pocahontas with Ariel. I mean Pocahontas was a real person and mermaids are not real.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I have been devouring poetry books. I just finished reading Nocturnal by Wilder and Take Me With You by Andrea Gibson. I'm currently reading Child of the Moon by Jessica Semaan. I'd also ask you what you are currently reading and if you there are poetry books that you recommend I read.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I am loving all of the resources that I am currently using to continue to learn. I'm learning Italian with the help of Duolingo. Learning Italian isn't so hard because I am fluent in Spanish. There are a lot of similarities between Spanish and Italian, but there are some challenges.

I've said it before, but I absolutely love Skillshare. I've been taking different classes, and they have been very beneficial with the creative projects that I'm working on. I love that I can take photography classes one week and then take a class on writing and journaling the next week.

Get Messy has also been incredibly beneficial. I've tried so many art techniques and have gotten out of my comfort zone. The community is incredible. The inspiration is amazing. I have definitely noticed my art change, and I love it.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


  1. That's great you have so many creative classes to take, and good luck learning Italian! It definitely feels weird to celebrate the 4th of July because of everything going on in the country...it's not really a proud time, so I get that.


    1. Thanks! Learning Italian has been so much fun.

  2. I honestly don't know why there's so much controversy about The Little Mermaid, though I didn't hear about the Pocahontas comparisons. I'm actually against all of these "live-animation remakes," but I agree with the original Ariel's comments about it. Sorry you weren't really in the holiday spirit this year, but at least you got to spend time with your hubby relaxing!

    1. It was so nice to spend time with my family. My mom and my sons really wanted to watch fireworks so we decided to set some off.

  3. DuoLingo sounds cool. My 10 year old has been using it to learn Spanish because he wants to be ready for his middle school class. Hes a planner lol . As far as the the whole Ariel thing, Disney knows what they are doing. They wouldn't have picked her if they didn't believe she was perfect. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Im excited for it.

    1. Duolingo is amazing! It's such a great tool. I totally agree...Disney definitely knows what they are doing. I'm excited for it.

  4. Always love coming here ❤️

    I’m so saddened by what’s going on in this country. It’s jist depressing and seems to be getting worst and worse. Honestly I had no idea Halle Berry was cast as Ariel but heard there was a controversy because of course there is 🙄 I love her and am sure she will do a beautiful job.

    Hope you’re enjoying the summer, miss!


    1. Thank you so much! ❤️This country feels so broken right now. At first I was confused when they said that Halle Bailey was cast as Ariel. I kept thinking they meant Halle Berry lol.

  5. I loved the long weekend and am sorry to hear you weren't feeling it. It's hard not to get dragged down by all the horrible things going on in the world. I am so excited about the Little Mermaid film. I think it's about time Disney mixes it up. Who ever said all these characters had to be white cis-gendered? Now you make me want to sign up for Skillshare. I've also been thinking about trying Masterclass. There are so many awesome classes on those two sites. Too many to choose from! I'm so glad you were able to join the coffee date this month, Emily. Hope to see you next time!

    1. I love that Disney is changing it up. I'm excited to watch the film. Skillshare is so amazing. I've heard about Masterclass, but haven't tried it yet.

  6. Pastries, beautiful weather and a walk sounds lovely! I like the casting of Ariel, I’m looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out. Oh, I’d love to be able to speak another language! I learned Italian at school but that was many years ago, maybe it would come back to me. Nice to have coffee with you this month, Emi!

    1. Thanks so much Bella! I'm looking forward to watching the movie and I hope it goes well. I definitely recommend Duolingo. There are so many great lessons and you can set goals.

  7. So cool you're learning Italian. I used to have Spanish in school and then took Italian lessons on the side and while it was "easy" because of the similarities, I also got things mixed up a lot ;) Do you?

    1. Thanks so much San. I haven't gotten Spanish and Italian mixed up because they are similar. It's amazing how so many of the words are actually similar.
