Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Season of Change

There are only a few days left before summer break ends, and I'm feeling all the feels. I'm excited for the new school year but dread returning to a routine. I loved the freedom that came with summer break...the randomness of our days. Not having to stick to a more structured schedule for the past couple of months was nice. It's always difficult trying to get back to our regular schedule that we have once school starts. 

Have you ever had a feeling that there are going to be a lot of changes in your life? Well, I have that feeling...and it's making me anxious. I often feel this way during the transition from summer to fall, and I"m not sure why. Maybe it's because it's the start of a new school year, and I keep thinking about how much my boys are growing. Maybe it's because we're still house hunting, and the entire process is stressing me out. Maybe it's because I have so many creative projects that I want to start but don't know which one to choose. Maybe it's just a combination of all of that and much more.

Wow, so that sounds kind of negative, but I promise I'm also feeling excited. House hunting is taking longer than I'd like, but I'm still hopeful. It's fun thinking about everything I can't wait to do once we find our dream home. I've been dreaming about gardens, libraries, and little home projects. I've been dreaming of cozy nooks and seasonal decorations, especially fall decorations.

I'm planning to write more, and I'm hoping that I'm able to share some more personal stories, lists, etc., on the blog. Now that my boys will be in school soon, I should have more time to work on my writing and other creative projects. I definitely let a few projects go during the summer, and it's time to work on them. 

It may still be summer, but the season of change is upon us. And although I may be a bit nervous, I'm also looking forward to what changes lie ahead.

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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