Wednesday, July 13, 2022

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at one of our favorite coffee shops and order iced coffees or seasonal drinks. We'd order a couple of sandwiches and a pastry or two. We'll stay inside the coffee shop because of the unbearable heat and humidity. It's been a while, and we have much to catch up on.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that house hunting is frustrating me. The market is out of control. We recently found a house that we love, but we are still unsure about whether to put an offer on it. It's really crazy how many variables go into buying a house. We'd love to stay in the area we currently live in, but we are open to looking at other locations. We've visited new-to-us cities and have liked quite a few. Most of the areas we loved reminded us of where we live, which was awesome. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I've read some really great books recently. I just finished Alex Elle's How We Heal, which came at the perfect time. I enjoyed reading about stories of healing and loved that journaling prompts and meditation techniques were sprinkled throughout the book. I also enjoyed reading Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren. However, a part of the book bothered me, and I even had to look up if other readers noticed the issue with the story. I plan on sharing a review on the blog soon because I think the situation should be addressed. 

Also, I have got to stop reading new books before I finish the ones I'm already reading. I'm currently reading about 10 books. My Goodreads has my current reads set at 19, but I've stopped reading a few. I don't plan to "DNF" those books, but it's just taking me longer than usual to actually want to finish those books. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so excited to see the school supply displays in stores, but I'm not too excited that it means summer break is almost over. I'm a sucker for office supplies, so I can't wait to buy a few things.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd say that I'm so glad that we were able to meet up. I've been so busy the past few months, and with everything going on in this country (and the rest of the world), things can feel overwhelming. So I'm always grateful for these coffee dates and chatting with a friend. I hope you have a great day and continue to enjoy your summer. Here's to better days ahead.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Akemy Mory on Unsplash

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