Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August Goals

Happy Wednesday! My goodness! I can't believe that we're already several days into August. I'm a bit late sharing my goals for the month and welcoming the new month, but better late than never, I guess. July was an absolute whirlwind of a month, but it was also a dream. July was a fun-filled month, full of adventures. 

In July, we took the boys to a new-to-us indoor adventure park, Urban Air. We had so much fun. John and the boys really loved the go-karts. I went on several evening walks and loved going to the arboretum and pond. We also went to the Silver Comet Trail and saw a cemetery that John found several weeks ago. Michael got braces and he's been adjusting well to having them. Then John and I decided we should go on a family staycation before the kids went back to school and I returned to work. We ended up deciding to go to Savannah and Tybee Island. We had such an amazing time. I absolutely fell in love with Savannah and can't wait to go back. I may have even thought out about the possibility of moving there. A few days after coming home from vacation, Michael had surgery. Thankfully, he's recovering well. 

So now, it's August and the boys are back in school. I'm back at work and we're all just getting back into our normal routine. Although, I absolutely loved July, I'm hoping that this month is a little bit slower and not as eventful. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine. I'm looking forward to visiting the farmer's market on the weekends, buying pumpkin spice lattes and all the fall seasonal treats. I'm looking forward to working in my sketchbook more and reading good books. I'm also looking forward to taking it easy and making rest a priority.

So before I continue to ramble, let's have a recap on my July goals and check out my new goals for August.

Recap of July Goals

  • Participate in Exhale's July blog hop: I attempted to work on the prompt, but for some reason, I was stuck on what to write. I may have to circle back to that prompt this month.
  • Work on my Project Life album: I didn't work on my project life album because I haven't ordered photos for a few of the layouts. 
  • Work on one Christmas themed project: I completely forgot to work on this project. It'll get done eventually...I hope.
  • Try 2 new recipes: I made the TikTok whipped coffee, a pumpkin spice hot chocolate affogato, and I also made an Almond Butter Banana cake from Yossy Arefi's book, Snacking Cakes.

August Goals

  • Read 4 books
  • Work on my Savannah and Tybee Island album
  • Try 1 new recipe
  • Work in my sketchbook/art journal

What are your goals for August? How did you do in July?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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