Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July Goals

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it's already July? I'm actually a little sad that June has now passed especially since it means that we have just a few more weeks before school starts again. However, I'm going to make the best of these next few weeks.

We had so much fun last month. John and I took the boys to Funbox and had a blast bouncing around the inflatable park. We went to a new-to-us restaurant called The Corner Taqueria. I think it's safe to say that this restaurant is going to be one of our go-to spots. We also tried Chiptole for the first time. John and I had a date night at the Atlanta Botanical Garden and we saw so many amazing exhibits. I took an endless amount of photos...everything was so beautiful. I found a new-to-me coffee shop, Cafe Lucia, and really enjoyed their coffee and sandwiches. I also attended an Atlanta Mom event at Bartaco with some of the ladies on the team. The food and margaritas were delicious. We took the boys to see Inside Out 2. We also got our entire downstairs of our home painted and decluttered a bunch of stuff before the painters arrived. I'm in still in awe at what a fresh coat of paint can do to a room. Of course, it wouldn't be summer without several visits to the pool. Overall, June was such an amazing month filled with fun activities and events. 

Although I'm sad that June is over and July is here, I'm excited to continue to spend the rest of the summer having fun with my family. This month, I'm looking forward to more visits to the pool. This may sound a little bit odd, but I'm looking forward to decluttering our closets. We went on a major deep cleaning of the downstairs area of our home that now we've been working our way to decluttering and organizing the rest of our home. We've only got the bedroom closets to declutter and then we'll be done. Although, I'm not looking forward to school and work starting again, I am looking forward to back-to-school shopping. I'm a sucker for school supplies and I'm excited to update the boys (as well as mine) wardrobe. I'm also looking forward to celebrating my wedding anniversary. I'm not sure what John and I are going to do, but I can't wait.

Before I continue to ramble, let's have a recap on my goals for June and then check out my new goals for July since it's a new month.

Recap of June Goals

  • Participate in Exhale's June blog hop: I did participate in the June blog hop. You can read my piece here.
  • Go to my local handmade market at least twice in June: I did go to my local handmade market at least twice. I had a blast everytime I went. The vendors are so kind and there's so much good stuff everytime I go. 
  • Work on my Project Life album: I worked on my Project Life album, but not as much as I would have liked. I'm hoping to work on a few layouts throughout the month of July.
  • Try 1 new recipe: I can't remember if I tried a new recipe so I'm going to just say that I didn't try one. Honestly, I did not cook as much as I should have this month so I'm hoping to try new recipes in July.
  • Participate and complete the latest round of Here: 5 Things: I did participate and I completed the prompts. I answered the first few prompts on paper, but then I completed the rest of the prompts on my phone. I'm hoping to put the rest on paper in the next week or so.

July Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Participate in Exhale's July blog hop
  • Work on my Project Life album
  • Work on one Christmas themed project
  • Try 2 new recipes

What are your goals for July? How did you do in June?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

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