Friday, July 12, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. I bought some Korean BBQ sausage from one of my favorite local farmer's markets. Since I'm still on a pasta kick, I  decided to make some Korean BBQ sausage pasta. I absolutely loved how it turned out. I made a bit more than we needed, but John took some of the leftovers for work.

2. Floating by Alina Baraz feat. Khalid has been on repeat for most of this week. Two more favorites on my playlist are Someone To Lose by Ashe and I Don't Love You by Aidan Alexander

3. I have been using my new Get Messy art supplies. I've had so much fun using the stencils and the acrylic paints. 

4. I don't use TikTok, but for some reason, I kept hearing about the TikTok Whipped Coffee recipe on Instagram. Of course, the pictures looked amazing, and I was curious, so I decided to give it a try. I've never tried instant coffee, but I received a sample pack from Target. I also had the rest of the ingredients, so I decided to give it a try. I used a hand mixer with a whisk attachment, and it took a while to beat the mixture. This was surprisingly delicious. It did taste a little strong, and there was more than enough whipped coffee for two people. If you're only making it for yourself, you can refrigerate the leftovers, and when you're ready for your next drink, you can mix it again and add it to your drink. I'll definitely try this again. 

Side note: I recently discovered that the whipped coffee recipe is called Dalgona Coffee and became popular in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

5. My new headbands from Zillymoose arrived, and I'm so excited to wear them. You can check out more of the headbands here. This is not sponsored; I just love these headbands and this small shop.

6. I just finished reading The Universe in Verse by Maria Popova. I absolutely loved reading this book. This was a collection of fifteen short essays on various science-related topics. Some topics include dark matter, trees, stars, mushrooms, and octopuses. There is a poem at the end of each essay, followed by art. One of the things that I loved about this book is that many of the essays included information about scientists (and many of them were women). It saddened me to realize that many of these women are not well-known despite their major contributions to science. 

7. I've been daydreaming about autumn and decided to make a pumpkin spice hot chocolate affogato. Oh my goodness! It was absolutely delicious. 10/10 highly recommend. 

8. John and I have been catching up on the second season of Blood of Zeus. So far, this season has been great. We still have several shows we need to catch up on, like The Witcher and the Dead Boy Detectives.

9. I have been reading Nishant Jain's newsletter, The SneakyArt Post, on substack and love his Tiny Stories series. In his series, he shares a drawing of tiny people and asks readers to pick a tiny person and write a story for them in the comments. It's been so fun reading the tiny stories, and they are a great prompt to encourage writing (and even drawing).

10. Making lists. I have a busy day today, and having a couple of lists will definitely make my day easier. I even got a head start on the day, so I'm happy. 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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