Thursday, October 1, 2020

October Goals

Happy Thursday! Can you believe that it's finally October? I am so excited! It's my favorite time of the year and one of my favorite months of the year. 

Last month was pretty good, even though I was exhausted for most of the middle of the month. We celebrated John's birthday and spent time with family. I worked on some creative projects and read a lot. The boys are doing well in school, and their report cards were great. I'm so proud of them. Remote learning is getting more manageable, and we have settled into a routine.

This month, I'm excited to read some spooky stories. I plan on watching some scary movies and TV shows. Halloween may be slightly different this year, but I'm still planning on what we will do. We'll definitely continue some of our fall and Halloween traditions, but we are still deciding what to do as far as trick-or-treating. What are some of your plans for Halloween?

Before I continue to ramble, let's recap on my goals for September and check out my goals for October. 

Recap of September Goals

  • Read 5 books: I read so much. I'm happy to say that once again, I accomplished this goal. I still have a few more books that I need (and hope) to finish by the end of the year. There are just so many books that I want to read and so little time. I'm still struggling with acknowledging that it's ok to stop reading a book if I can't get into it.
  • Work in my journal: I didn't work in my journal as much as I'd like, but I'm calling this a pass. I really want to work in my journal every day, but sometimes it's just not possible. I'm hoping to get in the habit of making this something that I get done every day. I may just start to wake up earlier or even set a timer, so I'm reminded to work in my journal. 
  • Work on 30 Days of Lists: I worked on this mini-project, but I didn't complete it. I don't have a good excuse for why I didn't finish this challenge in September, but I plan on completing it this month.
  • Publish one personal piece for the blog: This was a fail...again. However, there will be a piece that is published on the blog this month—mark my words. 
  • Finish my Positivity Passport journal: I had so much fun working on this project. Yesterday, I put the final touches on my journal. 
  • Try 1 new recipe: This was a fail. I'm not even sure why I put this goal down every month. I have no excuse for not trying a new recipe. 

October Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Publish one personal piece for the blog
  • Try 1 new recipe
  • Finish 30 Days of Lists challenge
  • Exercise 3 days a week
  • Drink more water

What are your goals for October?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

1 comment

  1. That's awesome you've been reading a lot. I didn't get through a ton of books last month, but I'm hoping October will be better as I want to read alllll the mysteries and thrillers.

