Monday, October 19, 2020

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at a little coffee shop (and practice social distancing...of course). We'd order some seasonal beverages and pastries. After getting our drinks and food, we'd take a walk around the neighborhood.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask how you are doing? With everything going on in the world right now, it's important to know how our friends and family are coping. I'd ask you if you were able to go out and vote. Or are you planning on voting by mail? 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask you what are you currently into? What are your favorite shows or movies at this moment? What are you currently reading? Are there any songs that are stuck in your head? 

I'd tell you that I've been reading a bunch. I'm excited about Mindy Kaling's Nothing Like I Imagined (Except for Sometimes) collection on Amazon. I also can't wait to read Dear Justyce by Nic Stone and Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh. There are many books that I still need to finish reading and a massive amount of books on my bookshelves that I want to read. It's starting to get hard to choose which ones to read next. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I've been feeling so creative. I actually worked on several pocket page layouts and even worked in my journal as well. I have no idea why I'm always so much more creative in fall, but I love it. I still have to work on some projects and a couple of blog posts, but I'm feeling so good and hopeful. I feel like my creative energy has been replenished. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd thank you for taking the time to meet with me. It really does mean a lot to me. I'd tell you I can't wait for our next coffee date. 

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

1 comment

  1. Awwww I love this little format so much ❤️ Thanks for the reading recommendations; I had no idea Mindy had a new book out! I voted by mail! It was a little anticlimactic if I’m honest but I’m so glad I did anyway. It is such a big election year!! Hope you are well and staying safe 💝
