Monday, May 11, 2020

May Goals

Happy Monday! I'm a bit late with sharing my goals for the month, but I'm trying to give myself some grace. I've been dealing with a major creative slump for weeks now, and I'm slowly getting over it.

Well, let's check out which goals I accomplished last month, which ones I didn't, and my new goals for May.

Recap of April Goals
  • Read 5 books: I read over 10 books in April. One thing about the pandemic that has been positive is that I have read so many books. Staying at home has made me want to read a lot. 
  • Work in my journal: I didn't work in my journal as much as I'd like, but I did work in my journal. 
  • Write more personal pieces for the blog: This was a fail. I do have several posts that I plan on writing and I also have the photos for the pieces. I just have to sit down and actually write (or type) the words.
  • Take more photos: I have been taking more photos, but not as much as I'd like. I think I'm going to join a few photo challenges so I can be inspired.
  • Work on 1 Awesome Ladies Project prompt or class every week: Unfortunately, this is a fail. I really need to get it together and work on a class or two.

May Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Work in my journal
  • Write personal pieces for the blog 
  • Work on 1 Awesome Ladies Project
  • Try 1 new recipe
  • Exercise 3 days a week
  • Drink more water

What are your goals for May?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...


  1. I have to really start thinking about goals again. I feel like I am just in a weird never-ending month. I have no concept of time anymore, maybe making goals again would help... at least help keeping track of time!

    1. I've been feeling the same way. The days are just blending. I really need to start using my planner.

  2. My reading definitely spiked in April! I feel you on wanting to write more personal pieces on the blog and not "finding" the time. I have something like 50 drafts just missing one or two things! I want to keep my reading streak this month and try some new recipes. Good luck with all of your goals!

    1. Thank you so much. Good luck on your goals as well!

  3. I dig the goals. My journal has become such a big part of my morning routine, but it took a lot of trying to get here. Looking forward to seeing how you fared at the end of the month!

    1. Thanks! That's such a great idea to make journaling part of your morning routine.
