Monday, December 30, 2024

My 12 Favorite Books of 2024

Happy Monday! I was looking back at all the books I read this past year and decided to pick a favorite book from each month to share. I read over 200 books this year, so picking just one favorite book each month was tricky. Please note that some of the books were not published in 2024. Some were published years ago, and some will be published in 2025. Please feel free to share your favorite books in the comments. I'd love to add some new ones to my never-ending TBR list.

Anyway, here are my twelve favorite books of 2024.

That's So New York: Short (and Very Short) Stories about the Greatest City on Earth by Dan Saltzstein

An illustrated book that features short stories by writers, anecdotes from locals, and Q&As with New Yorkers. The illustrations were excellent. If you're looking for a funny, light read, then you should definitely check this book out.

The Exception to the Rule by Christina Lauren

A boy accidentally sends an email to a girl he doesn't know, leading to an unexpected relationship. This fun, romance short story is perfect for Valentine's Day. The book's first part is written in email format, so if you enjoy epistolary novellas, you're in for a treat.

A Little Drop of Courage by Hayley Kaye

This little book was the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. It is filled with encouraging words and great illustrations, perfect for anyone who needs a boost of inspiration and hope.

What's the Point of Art by D.K. Publishing

This children's art history book was great. It included illustrations and stories about famous artists. The book also discussed different eras of art, from cave paintings to modern art. It is perfect for children interested in art and great for people of all ages.

The Puppets of Spelhorst by Kate DiCamillo

I'm a fan of Kate DiCamillo and absolutely love fairy tales, so I was excited to read this story. The Puppets of Spelhorst is about five friends: a king, a wolf, a girl, a boy, and an owl. An old sea captain has stuck them in a trunk, and they wonder what their fate will be and whether they will remain together. 

Going Into Town: A Love Letter to New York by Roz Chast

Yes! Another illustrated book about New York. I love Roz Chast's work and was excited to read this graphic novel about my favorite city. The book combines personal stories and comics and feels like a guide to New York City. While reading it, I experienced a few bouts of nostalgia. 

The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman

The Bookstore Wedding is the second short story in the Once Upon a Time Bookshop Stories series. It takes place five years after the events of the first book, The Bookstore Sisters, and follows the Gibson sisters, Isabel and Sophie. Isabel is still with Johnny Lenox, and they are trying to plan their wedding again for the fourth time. The story touches on themes like family, love, and sisterhood. 

Load in Nine Times: Poems by Frank X. Walker

This was an incredibly powerful collection of poetry. Frank X. Walker reimagined the experiences of Black Civil War soldiers, including his own ancestors. I stopped reading multiple times to research some of the names and events mentioned in the book. The timelines and additional notes at the end of the book were very useful.

Snowed In & Snuggle Weather by Elise Kennedy

This was such a fun best-friends-to-lover romance story. Max and Josie have been best friends for years. Josie has been in love with Max for forever. Max moved back to town after breaking up with his fiancée. One day, they are snowed in overnight, and they both begin to contemplate their feelings for one another. And, of course, they are both too scared to confess their feelings. 

Hero's Prize by Janie Crouch

Hero's Prize is the third book in Janie Crouch's Linear Tactical: Oak Creek series. This series follows the second generation of the Linear Tactical heroes. In Hero's Prize, the story follows extreme sports star Colton Harrison and Ella O'Conner. Colton is back after a deadly accident and wonders what his next steps are for his future. Ella has had a crush on Colton for years but never acted on it. After Colton finds out about Ella's crush, he realizes he wants to be with her. There are a few bumps along the way, and a stalker is added to the mix, which made the story even more interesting.

Atlantic Ghosts: Tales from the Haunted Coast by Bee Stanton

This collection of supernatural folklore is perfect for Halloween (and any day of the year). Some stories involve ghosts, hauntings, and other legends around Atlantic Canada. The stories are accompanied by 24 pen-and-ink illustrations. I loved the stories and did some research on some that interested me. 

Second Down Scrooge by Lisa Suzanne

I love a good Christmas romance story, and Second Down Scrooge did not disappoint. This was a really great second-chance, sports-themed romance. If you are familiar with Lisa's Vegas Aces series, you may remember the incident between Austin and Kelly. Austin betrayed Kelly's best friend and her boyfriend, which caused Kelly to not trust him. Austin also used people and tried to sabotage them to advance his career. Basically, Austin was a very selfish man. However, in this book, Austin wants to change his ways. He wants to be better for his daughter and have a relationship with Kelly. I love a good redemption story, and this novella definitely has that. 

What was your favorite book you read in 2024?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Sunday, December 29, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. Celebrating Christmas with my family. On Christmas Eve, we went over to Mami's.  My older brother, little sister, and their significant others were there, too. I held baby Vivi almost the entire time we were there. It was nice seeing the boys play with their little cousin, Amir. We enjoyed great food and music. Then we exchanged gifts. 

2. Christmas Day was low-key, and I loved it. The boys woke John and me up to open their presents. Raphael wasn't feeling well, but you honestly couldn't tell because he was still running around. We stayed in our pajamas all day long, and it was glorious.

3. A new favorite: Copper Cow Coffee Churro Ground Coffee. I got a bag of this coffee in the Festive Feast Breakfast Gift Set, and I'm so glad I decided to buy it. I don't usually drink ground coffee, but this coffee is amazing. I added Chobani Cinnamon Coffee Cake Creamer, and it was perfection. 10/10 recommend this coffee.

4. I'm currently reading Merry Ever After by Tessa Bailey and am loving it. This instalove short story is about a single mother named Evie and a farmer named Luke. There's a little misunderstanding that is quickly resolved. This short story is part of the Under the Mistletoe collection, and I can't wait to read the next stories.

5. I'm currently listening to the Love Playlist under Apple Music's Find Your Mood section. I've already found some great new-to-me songs and some old songs I haven't listened to in a while. I'm currently on a Michael Bublé kick and was excited that the first song played was Bublé's cover of My Valentine.

6. I may have found my word for 2025—in fact, I have found two words. However, I'm still undecided whether to choose only one. I also ordered a few things from Ali Edwards' 2025 One Little Word collection and can't wait to set up my album.

7. We have all been sleeping in for the past few days. Most of us have gotten sick, so the extra sleep was much needed. 

8. Comfort food and treats. My diet has consisted of soup and Christmas treats like cookies and hot chocolate for the past few days. I've also been making lots of smoothies and drinking tons of water.

9. I bought a couple of things from the Christmas clearance section at Target and can't wait to use them. I bought two tiny star Christmas garlands in metallic white and metallic silver. I plan to use them in my art journal.

10. This past week, I've been decluttering, donating, and recycling. It felt good to clear out space. I'm always surprised at how much we accumulate throughout the year(s). 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Monday, December 23, 2024

Winter 2024 Bucket List

Happy Monday! Winter is officially here! Fall tried to make a last stand about a week ago or so. It was strange that it was in the 70s, just a week ago. However, I'm actually a little excited about winter this year. Christmas will be here soon, and I can't wait to spend it with my family. It's Capricorn season, and I look forward to celebrating my birthday next month. 

I spent the first day of winter reflecting on fall, thinking about everything I'd like to do during winter, and making my winter bucket list. Although I didn't share my winter bucket list on the first day of winter, it was still fun to make one. Some of the things on my bucket list are the usual things I love to do every year, but there are a few new things on my list. So before I continue to ramble, let's get to the good part and check out my winter 2024 bucket list. 

  • Donate clothing and other things we no longer use or need
  • Watch a new (or new-to-me) holiday movie
  • Work in my sketchbook/journal
  • Complete 1 crafty class
  • Complete 1 unfinished project from 2024
  • Finish my Savannah/Tybee Island mini-album
  • Publish a photo essay
  • Publish 2 personal essays on the blog
  • Pick a new word for 2025
  • Make new goals for 2025
  • Participate in a blog hop
  • Submit a piece to an online publication
  • Try a simmer pot recipe
  • Make my own simmer pot mix
  • Go for a walk on the Silver Comet Trail
  • Check out a local holiday lights display
  • Participate in a book challenge
  • Make a meal using the crockpot
  • Try a new recipe in our air fryer
  • Go somewhere new with my family
  • Bake cookies
  • Try a new hot chocolate recipe
  • Go on a date night
  • Go to a holiday market
  • Read 3 winter and/or holiday-themed books
  • Read a book from a book club
  • Go to a new-to-me coffee shop
  • Go to a new-to-me bakery or donut shop

What's on your winter bucket list?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

Sunday, December 22, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up. It's been a couple of weeks since I shared a happy list, so I'm going to share a few things from those weeks that made me happy. 

1. A new favorite: Frosted Marshmallow Hot Cocoa. Pop them in the fridge or freezer. You're welcome.

2. I'm in a full-blown holiday romance book kick. I'm devouring the novella Second Down Scrooge by Lisa Suzanne. This is a pro football, second chance, single parents holiday romance. 

3. I am done with holiday shopping. Well, I only have one other thing to buy, but I'm considering it to be done.  

4. I have never tried a chocolate orange, but I really wanted to this year. I bought a couple of Terry's Chocolate Oranges and was surprised at the taste. It was good; however, I would only buy this kind of treat during the holidays.

5. Being inspired by Misty Granade and her matchbooks. This matchbook made me want to work on some collages and even try my hand at making an art matchbook

6. New art supplies. I have been taking advantage of the deals at Michaels and buying Liquitex acrylic gouache.

7. We celebrated Gabriel's birthday. Since his birthday was on a weekday, we went to Urban Air over the weekend. Then, on the day of his birthday, we let him choose what he wanted for dinner, cut his cake, and gave him some gifts. I can't believe he's 13! I now have two teenagers! 

8. This Human of New York post. "This marriage is dead. It has to die. But I have no problem building a new marriage with my wife." I admire this man's honesty. 

9. I made gifts for Raphael's teachers and love how they turned out. I bought some glass cups and decorated them with some cold-transfer stickers. They were pretty easy to put on. I added some Ghiradelli mini squares and a card. I may make some more for Teacher Appreciation Week.

10. School break has begun, and I'm so excited to have the next two weeks off work. I'm ready to relax and get some much-needed rest.

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Friday, December 20, 2024

Subtle Little Whispers from the Universe

Dear Universe,

After feeling unsettled for the past few weeks, I feel so much more hopeful. I now know what I don't want and am much closer to deciding which route I want my career to go. For the past few weeks, it appears you've been trying to tell me something. There have been little hints, little sprinkles of clues that I've noticed throughout the days. For instance, I've seen many more job postings or volunteer positions for the two fields that interest me. I've been noticing many more things related to the career(s) that interest me. I've also been having vivid, recurring dreams of two different paths. Yes, two different paths, but both paths are promising. I've also noticed the number "2". 

After a couple of rough days in one week, I questioned why I was taking so long to get to the next phase of my plan. It didn't hit me until recently that I realized I had become used to my current work. The what-ifs are terrifying to think of. Although my interests have changed, and I would like to move to a different position, I realized that I am so used to the routine that I have. I'm sure you know I'm not big on changes, but this change would be beneficial. You know that old saying "Old habits...".

But, Universe, those rough days appeared to be the breaking point because, oddly, they inspired and encouraged me to take a massive step in my personal growth. I like to think that you're sending me these little whispers. The job postings, volunteer positions, encouraging talks with my coworkers and mentors, recurring dreams, and numbers may have been subtle little whispers from you, but those rough days seemed more like a scream. And I want you to know that I hear you loud and clear. 


The woman who is finally closer to making a decision.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale - an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Whisper."

Photo by Baraa Jalahej on Unsplash

Monday, December 9, 2024

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at a small, new-to-us local coffee shop. We'd order some seasonal drinks and pastries. While waiting for our treats, we'd probably decide to stay inside for a bit and then walk around the area.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I recently went to the Smyrna Handmade Holiday Market and had a blast. I loved supporting so many of the small businesses that were at the market. I bought cookies and some mini pies from two of my go-to vendors. I also bought several book-themed products like stickers and bookmarks. My favorite finds were a couple of simmer pot mixes. I've been on a simmer pot kick, and for months now, I have been trying to find a local store that sells them. Imagine my surprise and delight in finding a local shop, Aly & Ellie Artisan Co., that sells them.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that we have been enjoying the little joys of the holiday season. This past weekend, we saw Santa and got our pictures taken. Raphael was so excited, and my heart felt like it would burst from sheer happiness. I love hot chocolate, and it's made my heart so happy that the boys will ask me to make some hot chocolate almost every night. I've been listening to holiday music off and on. Some of my favorites are Michael Bublé's cover of Christmas (Baby Please Come Home), Christmas in Hollis by Run-DMC, and Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm looking forward to celebrating Gabriel's birthday. I can't believe he's turning 13. We already have some plans in place to celebrate his day. I can't wait. I'm also looking forward to winter break, spending time with family, and getting some much-needed rest.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so glad we were able to catch up. This is a hectic time of year, and I know everyone is busy preparing for the holidays and taking care of other responsibilities. I hope you enjoy the rest of the month. However you choose to celebrate the holidays, I hope it's full of joy, peace, and love. See you next year (yes, I had to say that).

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Saturday, December 7, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Saturday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. I finally changed my dining room centerpiece and absolutely love how it turned out. I bought the cutest little ceramic house figurines and paired them with some small bottle brush Christmas trees. The ceramic houses even light up.

2. I've enjoyed reading Brittany's newsletter and her newest series, Stackmas. This holiday-themed series features various holiday book lists, songs, movies, recipes, and more for the first 12 days of December.

3. Amy Turn Sharp has been sharing some writing prompts in her newsletter, Warm Hands. I love the idea of a Creative Writing advent calendar. 

4. This poem by Jennae Cecelia. Side note: I love seeing everyone's Spotify and Apple Music year-end recap. I've found some new-to-me artists and songs that I love from these lists.

5. We went to our city's Christmas Tree Lighting and had a good time. It was absolutely cold, but seeing the lights on the tree made up for it. When we got home and settled in for the night, I made everyone some hot chocolate. It was the perfect way to end the night.

6. I just started reading Banned Together, a YA anthology about book banning, the power of books, and the fight for the freedom to read. The collection includes poetry, essays, memoirs, fiction, and other genres. So far, I'm really enjoying this book and will share a full review soon.

7. I ordered a couple of photos on Persnickety Prints and can't wait to get them. It's part of a Christmas gift for Mami. Now, I'm on the hunt for some pretty picture frames.

8. I bought this Festive Feast Breakfast Gift Set and plan to use it one of the days that we're home from school and work break. I'm really looking forward to trying the Runamok's Sparkle Syrup.

9. We took pictures with Santa; it was so much fun. We haven't done this in a couple of years due to Covid. We got an adorable and festive picture frame along with several prints. I can't wait to display our photo. I just need to figure out the best place to put the photo. 

10. It's finally the weekend. I've been looking forward to Friday and the rest of the weekend all week long. 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Target Finds

Happy Wednesday! It's time for another Target Finds! It's the holiday season, and Target has some amazing seasonal products, as usual. I've found so many great things over the past couple of weeks. I mentioned this last month, but I may come back with a second Target Finds post with even more things. Side note: Most items on this small list are holiday-related except for one. 

Men's Holiday Short Sleeve Graphic T-Shirt (Moose)

John really likes Goodfellow and Co.'s T-shirts, so when I saw this cute holiday T-shirt, I knew I had to buy it. I may buy one for myself. The shirt is true to size and is very comfortable. 

Large Over-the-Door Hook

After one of the hooks on our towel organizer broke, we decided to buy one with more hooks. So far, this new over-the-door hook is doing its job. I love that it has more than two hooks and perfectly fits our door. It's also very sturdy and definitely higher quality than our old one.

Citrus Squeezer

When I decided to make candied cranberries, I realized I didn't have a citrus squeezer, so I added one to my grocery list. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't have one. This citrus squeezer did its job, but it's really heavy. I was actually surprised at how heavy it was. However, I like the size because you'll definitely be able to use it on oranges and other citrus fruits. It's also very easy to clean.

Plaid Faux Shearling Slipper Socks

I absolutely love these slipper socks. They are so comfy and soft and keep my feet warm. However, I wish there were some other non-festive styles since the pair I bought are holiday and Christmas-themed. 

What are some of your favorite Target Finds?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Monday, December 2, 2024

December Goals

Happy Monday! It's finally December—the last month of the year! The last few months have flown by. I'm so excited that December is finally here, and I'm so excited about the holiday season.

As usual, November was a busy month. It started a little rough, with daylight saving time ending and darkness arriving earlier in the day. Then there were the election results, which I'm still shocked over. We all got sick in November, but luckily, we recovered quickly.

Although November was stressful, it also had some good days. My niece, Vivi, was born a couple of weeks early. She's absolutely adorable. I've been excited about the holidays and baked quite a bit in November. I've also indulged in holiday drinks and treats like Starbucks' Cran-Merry Orange Lemonade Refreshers, Poppi's Cranberry Fizz soda, gingerbread cookies, and Ghiradelli peppermint hot cocoa chocolates. I've started making all the holiday lists and have crossed so many things off those lists. 

Thanksgiving was a little different this year, but it was still a good one. It was nice to have a low-key holiday. I'm certain we'll stick to our tradition for Christmas, but either way, I'm excited.

This month, I'm giving myself grace. I will focus on enjoying the days leading up to the holidays, and although I still have goals that I'd like to accomplish this month, I won't worry too much if I don't.

Now that I've mentioned my goals, let's recap my November goals and then check out my new goals for December.

Recap of November Goals

  • Try 2 new recipes: I made chocolate chip crispy rangers using Yossy Arefi's recipe. These cookies were delicious and are now one of my current favorites. You can find the recipe in her book, Snacking Bakes. I also made candied cranberries using Jacqui Saldaña's recipe. This was so easy to make. I hoped they would be a little more crunchier, but they were still delicious. I loved the sweet and tart combo. I definitely plan to make this again closer to Christmas.
  • Work in my sketchbook/art journal: I didn't work in my sketchbook at all. However, I bought some new supplies and am excited to play with them this month. I really miss just playing with my art supplies, and with this small burst of creative energy I have now, I will use it to my advantage.
  • Participate in Exhale's November blog hop: I completed the prompt, but due to technical issues, my piece wasn't included in the blog hop. However, you can still read it here.
  • Work on one of the Exhale blog hop prompts I didn't finish: Unfortunately, I forgot about this goal. I do, however, have one that I hope to post this month. 

December Goals
  • Read 6 books
  • Try 1 new recipe
  • Work in my sketchbook/art journal
  • Participate in Exhale's December blog hop
  • Work on the latest Here e-course series session, December Pause

What are your goals for December? How did you do in November?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Fujiphilm on Unsplash

Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 2024 // A List

1. November, November, November. You started off a little rough. Daylight Saving Time ended, and with it, darkness arrived. It's still odd that most days, it's dark by 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Then, there were the election results and all the emotions that came after. I still don't even know what to say about it.

2. Cold and flu season is back, and we've all been sick this month. Thankfully, we're all feeling better. I had to organize and stock up on essentials. 

3. I've indulged in Olipop Apple Crisp sodas, Cran-Merry Orange Lemonade Refreshers, Poppi Cranberry Fizz sodas, and hot chocolate. 

4. Baby Vivi arrived a couple of weeks early, and she is absolutely precious. She's so tiny and has us all wrapped around her little finger.

5. I decided to treat myself to a haircut. I've put this off for a while because I never had enough time to go to the salon or was just exhausted. I love how my hair looks, and I hope I won't put off going to the salon again for so long. 

6. On repeat: Coaster by Khalid

7. Favorite read of the month: Atlantic Ghosts by Bee Stanton

8. Thanksgiving looked a little different this year. We all spent it at our own homes. Honestly, it was nice just staying at home. I made Mami's chicken wing recipe, and John made the turkey. We had the classic sides: mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and rice. 

9. I went Black Friday shopping early in the morning since everyone was asleep, and I was hoping to beat the crowds. Surprisingly, there weren't that many people out and about. I was also happy that I stuck with what was on my list (and the majority of things I bought were things we needed). Later in the afternoon, we visited Mami.

10. I made some amazing mini cakes using Krusteaz's new chocolate cupcake batter, and oh my goodness, they came out great. I've never been this excited about cake/cupcake batter. This is so convenient because you don't have to mix anything. You simply pour the batter into a cake or cupcake pan and then bake it. I plan on trying the other flavors soon and will definitely buy the chocolate cupcake batter. Side note: I did receive this for free from Influenster and was not compensated.

11. We went to Raphael's class's Thanksgiving feast and enjoyed eating lunch with Raphael and his class.

12. We went to Trader Joe's for the first time. We were surprised by the small store size but found some great things. 10/10 recommend the Sparkling Honeycrisp Apple Juice.

13. The holiday season has begun, and I am grateful. It's a perfect distraction from all the not-so-great stuff. I've already started making gifts and holiday shopping.

14. November, you were a busy month. There were good days, and there were bad days. It was definitely a month of reflection.

15. So long, November. Hello, December. May this upcoming month be filled with peace, joy, and hope. May it be a month full of creativity and wonder. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. Having a low-key Thanksgiving. This year, Thanksgiving was a little different. We all decided to spend Thanksgiving at our own homes. Unfortunately, my baby niece was sick. She's doing well, but my little sister stayed home to be safe. Mami lives nearby, so she was on standby in case my sister needed anything. We all chatted over the phone, so it was still great. John and I still made a Thanksgiving feast. I made my mami's chicken wing recipe, and John cooked a smoked turkey. We had the usual sides: macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and gravy. We had an apple pie and berry pie for dessert.

2. This message. I think everyone needs to hear this. "It's a privilege to be alive." This was such a beautiful message and reminder. 

3. Trader Joe's. We finally went to Trader Joe's for the first time and bought a few things that caught our attention. The customer service was excellent. The cashier was so kind and genuinely excited when he learned it was our first visit to Trader Joe's. He even gave us a few recommendations for items he and other customers buy. He also gave us a reusable bag for free. We definitely plan to stop by whenever we are near the area. Side note: 10/10 recommend the Sparkling Honeycrisp Apple was delicious!

4. Katie Licht's collage work is amazing. It makes me want to pull out some papers and play in my journal.

5. I've been on a cranberry kick and indulging in Starbucks Cran-Merry Orange Lemonade Refreshers and other cranberry-flavored drinks. I also tried a new-to-me Candied Cranberries recipe

6. One of my favorite things about subscribing to Apple Music subscription is the curated playlists. This week's Chill playlist has been absolutely amazing. One of my favorite songs on the playlist is Coaster by Khalid. This song has been on repeat. 

7. Playing Operation and making Mini Turkey Honeycombs. I hadn't played Operation in years, and it was so much fun showing Raphael how to play. We used the mini turkeys as part of our dining room table centerpiece.  

8. Deadpool and Wolverine. John and I finally watched this movie, and we loved it. 

9. Big Salad's November Edit. I love this monthly series of recommendations on things to watch, read, eat, etc. Definitely plan to try that gingerbread cookie recipe.

10. Staying ahead of schedule. 'Tis the season for lists and schedules. Being organized is a must, especially at this time of year, and I'm so grateful for my planner and notepad.

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Monday, November 25, 2024

Tender Heart

I feel like I'm going through a season of tenderness. My entire body has been going through waves of exhaustion and feeling untethered. My heart has especially been feeling fragile.

The election left my heart fractured. I'm so distraught and saddened by the results, the state of our country, and what's to come. I'm currently torn over whether to stop watching and reading the news, but I also want to be kept up to date with current events. 

My youngest niece was born this month. I was so excited to finally meet her. As I held her, I wondered what her future would look like. I remember telling her, "Welcome to this wild world, Vivi." I hope the world becomes a better, safer place for my children, nieces, and nephews. I remind myself that our family comes from a long line of strong and resilient women. I remind myself that there is hope. With new life...comes hope. 

Motherhood has me in a whirlwind of emotions. My sons are in different stages of childhood. My youngest son is not yet in his preteen or teen years, so seeing his independence emerging is a joy. My oldest son is in his teens, and my middle son will soon join in that stage. I am absolutely not ready for the puberty years. It's starting to hit me that they are growing up, and my youngest son will be our last baby. I just want to hold on to their innocence for as long as possible. However, watching them grow and move into different stages is an honor. For that, I am grateful.

To combat this season of tenderness, I'm finding comfort in spending time with my family. I find comfort in reading good books and my favorite newsletters, listening to my favorite music, watching all the cozy holiday movies, and making art. I find comfort in drinking seasonal hot chocolates and indulging in a sweet treat or two. I'm finding comfort with my cozy socks and favorite blanket. I'm combating this season of tenderness with all the things that bring me so much joy and a little bit of peace. This feeling of tenderness may be here, but it's not here to stay. And that brings me so much comfort.

Photo by Kitera Dent on Unsplash

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at our favorite Target, which has a Starbucks inside. I'd order my current favorite drink, a Cran-Merry Orange Lemonade Refresher, and a sugar plum danish. Then, while we chat, we'd browse and maybe start some holiday shopping.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that this has been a heavy month. The election is finally over, and I still don't have the words to describe how I feel about it. I've been distracting myself with lots of good books, newsletters from my favorite writers and artists, new-to-me music, and all the other things that bring me comfort. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I am in full holiday book mode. I've been reading several Christmas-themed and holiday-themed books, which have been such a big comfort. I'm looking for a few holiday-themed children's books to read with Raphael and already have a few put on hold at our library. As for non-holiday-themed books, I just read Bariloche Sector by Lexi Foss and enjoyed the story. I'd definitely watch for any triggers you may have because the story is emotionally distressing.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm looking forward to going to a few holiday markets and events. I'm also excited to start holiday baking. I want to bake something (preferably something new) at least once a week. I also can't wait to start watching our favorite holiday movies and some new ones. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I am so glad we were able to catch up before Thanksgiving. It's been a busy month, and December will be even busier. I'm looking forward to a week off work and spending it with my family. However you decide to celebrate the holiday, I hope you enjoy it and have a great rest of the month. See you next month.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Monday, November 11, 2024

Target Finds

Happy Monday! It's time for another Target Finds. As usual, I've found many great things at Target over the past few weeks. Target has all its holiday displays and products out, so don't be surprised to see a few holiday products in this month's Target Finds. I may have to return with another Target Finds because I'm still finding so much awesome stuff at Target.

Christmas Cookie Butter and Milk Chocolate Filled Mini Waffle Cones

Oh my goodness! This was an impulse buy, but I had to try them. I absolutely love cookie butter and mini waffle cones, so this was the perfect combo. These mini waffle cones are so delicious. I devoured the entire bag and will have to buy some more. I loved topping my hot chocolate with some marshmallow whipped cream and a couple of mini waffle cones. 

Women's Holiday Treats Print Flannel Holiday Matching Family Pajama Set

We love buying our holiday-matching family pajamas. This year, we decided to go with Target's Holiday Treats print. John and I got the matching set, which came with the shirt and pants. You can find the men's set here. We purchased the kids' "Sleigh What" holiday shirts and the kids' holiday treats family pajama pants for the boys. 

Starbucks Cold Brew Concentrate Irish Cream

I love Irish Cream and was surprised that Starbucks has an Irish cream-flavored drink. I haven't tried this yet, but I can't wait to. I really have high hopes for this, so fingers crossed that this is delicious.

Cinnamon Chex Cereal

The boys and I have been obsessed with Cinnamon Chex cereal. I used this in a trail mix recipe, which turned out great. This cereal reminds me of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it tastes lighter (if that makes sense). It's perfect for breakfast or as a snack. I'll definitely purchase this again.

What are some of your favorite Target finds?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Friday, November 8, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! It's been a rough week, and I honestly don't have the words to describe how I feel. I almost didn't even bother to share this post. However, I think it's important to look at the good and think of one thing that made you happy or grateful each day. So, today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. These words by R.O. Kwon. A much-needed reminder.

2. Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón. This was such a great read. 

3. Starbucks' Cran-Merry Orange Lemonade Refresher. This was so delicious and will probably be one of my go-to drinks for the holiday season.

4. This reminder to play.  This was so creative and really inspiring. I've been on a collage kick and love seeing other artists' collage pieces.

5. Getting some much-needed rest. I've been sick most of the week, and I'm so grateful to my doctor and modern medicine.

6. Holiday seasonal treats. I found some new seasonal goodies at Target that I'm so excited to try. I'll have to share a review of some of them soon. 

7. This adorable interactive kid's play tree with ornaments. I think this would be great for sensory activity for kids.

8. Holiday music. Currently loving Bing Crosby's Happy Holidays (Beef Wellington Remix).

9. Planning for the holidays. I've already made lists, including a gift list for everyone I need to shop for. I've also looked into my holiday supplies to see what needs to be replaced. I am determined to be very organized this holiday season.

10. It's finally Friday. Here's to hoping for more rest. 

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

November Goals

Happy Wednesday! We're a few days into November! I still can't believe that October is over. October was a mostly fun-filled month, full of lots of events. 

In October, we celebrated the upcoming arrival of my little sister's baby girl. We had a great time at her baby shower. We also attended several festivals like the Spooky Festival and the Crafts & Drafts Festival. I went to the library a few times and borrowed many books. We're currently on an Oliver Jeffers kick and put almost every single book of his on hold. I indulged in quite a few treats and have no regrets. I also tried a few new-to-me things like Olipop (the Crisp Apple is fantastic).

I hope this month is quieter and slower (if that makes sense). We had so many events last month, and even though it was fun, it would be nice to rest a little. However, it's the holiday season, so I know it will be a busy month, but I'm hoping that planning ahead will help. 

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving Break and spending time with my family. I look forward to a week off work and attending our city's Christmas tree lighting. I'm also looking forward to decorating our Christmas tree and setting up a new centerpiece for our dining room table. 

Before I start rambling about the holiday season, let's get to the real point of this post: share my new goals for the month and have a quick recap of my goals from October.

Recap of October Goals
  • Read 6 books: I read 12 books last month. I've been reading a mix of genres lately, and it's been so nice. I read fiction, romance, graphic novels, and children's books. Of course, I read a few Halloween and supernatural-related books. My favorite book of the month was Hero's Prize by Janie Crouch. Another favorite book was The Witching Hour by Fiona Davenport.
  • Try 1 new recipe: I can't remember if I tried a new one, so I will assume I didn't. 
  • Work in my sketchbook/art journal: I didn't work in my sketchbook even though I had a lot of ideas. I just didn't have enough time and kept going through waves of creative blocks.
  • Participate in Exhale's October blog hop: I did participate in the blog hop. You can check out my piece here
  • Work on one of the past Exhale blog hop prompts I didn't finish: I didn't work on any past Exhale blog hop prompts, but I finally made a list of a few that I'd love to work on. One of the prompts I'd love to work on is a photo essay. 
  • Work on my Savannah and Tybee Island album: Yikes! I completely forgot about this. I really need to make time to work on this project. 
  • Go to at least one local event: We went to the Spooky Festival and Crafts & Drafts Festival.
  • Go to the Silver Comet Trail at least twice in the month: I went to the Silver Comet Trail exactly twice this month. It was just what I needed since it was a busy and sometimes stressful month. 

November Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Try 2 new recipes
  • Work in my sketchbook/art journal
  • Participate in Exhale's November blog hop
  • Work on one of the past Exhale blog hop prompts I didn't finish

What are your goals for November? How did you do in October?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Elena Leya on Unsplash

Monday, November 4, 2024

October 2024 // A List

1. October, October. What a blast you were! I always look forward to your arrival and dread your departure. This year felt the same but also different. But overall, you were a dream. 

2. Lately, I've been really into our local festivals and was so grateful we could attend the Spooky and Crafts & Drafts festivals. The Spooky Festival was so much fun, and we enjoyed taking the kids trick-or-treating at some of our favorite local businesses. I enjoyed going to the Crafts & Drafts Festival and finding new-to-me shops to purchase from. I even added a few things to my Christmas wishlist from some of the shops.

3. A current obsession: Olipop's Crisp Apple. It's a great alternative to soda and tastes surprisingly good. I plan to try most, if not all, of the flavors.

4. John and I had an impromptu early date night and went to day 2 of the Crafts & Drafts festival. Then, we had a late lunch at The Corner Taqueria. 

5. I went to the Silver Comet Trail twice this month, and it was the perfect pick-me-up. I absolutely love going to the trail, especially during the fall.

6. Obviously, this was the month of treats. I absolutely indulged in all the treats and baked goods this month. One of my favorite treats in October was Nothing Bundt Cake's Oreo Dirt Cake.

10. Trick-or-treating was a success! The boys' Halloween bags were completely full, and now they have more candy than they'll ever eat. I also definitely got my share of treats courtesy of the candy tax. This year, we actually got a decent amount of trick-or-treaters. Raphael had so much fun handing out candy. We were surprised that our candy was gone before we took the boys out to do their trick-or-treating. 

11. A favorite fall and Halloween tradition: Pumpkin carving! This is one tradition that I hope we will never break. 

12. After months of waiting, the boys' new bunk bed finally arrived, and we absolutely loved it.

13. October, you were a fun-filled month. There were a few bumps throughout the month, but overall, you were a delight, as always. I'm sad to see you go and can't wait for your return.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Saturday, November 2, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Saturday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. Olipop Apple Crisp. Oh my goodness! This was absolutely delicious. I have to give a shout-out to Brittany from Brittany's Notebook because I discovered Olipop via one of her newsletters.

2. Atlantic Ghosts by Bee Stanton. October and spooky season may be over, but I will always want to read a collection of ghost stories and supernatural folklore. I'm almost done reading this book, so I'll have to remember to post a review soon.

3. I just purchased this Nutcracker mug from Michaels. One of my favorite things about Christmas and the holidays is nutcrackers, and surprisingly, I didn't have a nutcracker mug.

4. I rarely shop at Sephora and am not really into makeup, but I wanted to invest in a good skincare set. The ladies at my local Sephora were so kind and helpful. Hopefully, the set I bought works well.

5. Halloween! We had a blast trick-or-treating, and the boys' bags were filled with treats. We have way too much candy that we know we'll never finish. Surprisingly, this year, we had a lot of trick-or-treaters, and all of the candy we left outside was gone.

6. Making our holiday lists. Yes, lists. I'm trying to be very organized this holiday season and do not want to overspend. There have been times when I thought I didn't have enough or ran out of supplies (i.e., wrapping paper, gift bags, etc.), only to find that I had more than enough. So, making a bunch of lists will hopefully help this year. 

7. Reflections by The Neighborhood. This song has been on repeat.

9. Flowers from John. Always.

10. It's finally November.

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Sunday, October 20, 2024

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Sunday! Today, I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link-up.

1. Buying new art supplies. I am so excited to try my hand at some ghost paintings.

3. The Donut Shop Strawberry Refreshers (They taste just like the Starbucks Refreshers!)

4. The boys' new beds. They look great, and the boys love them.

5. Hershey's Cinnamon Chips (I plan to make some cinnamon chip scones soon.)

6. Southern Cities: A Sketchbook Series. I love that this piece focused on Savannah, Georgia.

7. The moon. I was amazed at how gorgeous it looked for the past few nights.

8. Going to the Spooky Festival

9. Sweater weather! I love that the mornings have been a bit cooler.

10. Attending the last market of the season

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Friday, October 18, 2024

Those Sleepless Nights

For the past few weeks, I've been feeling unsettled, which is noticeable at night. I wake up almost like clockwork now from 2 to 4 AM. After laying in bed for what seems like an eternity and listening to my husband, John, softly snoring beside me, I quietly get up. I walk to my sons' room and sleepily smile at how peaceful they look. I think to myself how fast the years have gone by. I remember when my sons were babies and woke up every couple of hours to feed. I remember how restless I felt those nights and how I'd stay up and watch them even after they went to sleep. The fear of SIDS made me anxious. Those sleepless nights seemed endless. But nights like these are a different kind of unsettled, restless, sleepless night. 

After ensuring the boys are okay, I go downstairs to my favorite spot in our home - the dining room with the big bay window overlooking our front lawn. I think about the past few months and contemplate the big decisions I must make soon regarding continuing my education and career choices. I wonder if there's another mother out there who is wide awake and is in a similar situation. Is this how every former stay-at-home mother feels once her children are older and she returns to the workforce? Is there another mother wondering if she should go into a completely different field or stay in a position she's already familiar with? Is there a mother out there who is slowly realizing what she wants out of her job or career? Is there a mother out there wondering how she will balance all the appointments, events, and kids' extracurricular activities and everything else that comes with being a wife and mother while also having to plan out time to study for her master's degree and complete assignments? Is there a mother out there weighing all her options while feeling grateful and overwhelmed about those options?

As I consider all my options, my conflicted feelings about them emerge. To ease my mind, I make hot chocolate and hope my favorite drink will soothe me. Just as I take the first sip, I feel strong arms wrap around me. 

John quietly asks, "Can't sleep again?"

"Yes," I say. 

He nods and reminds me that everything will work out in the end. We talk for a few more minutes, and I finish my hot chocolate before we go back to bed. 

Before I fall back asleep, I realize I need to give myself some grace and be kinder to myself. I remind myself that although having too many options can be overwhelming, taking time to research those is okay. I'm learning new things about what I want career-wise. 

I think of what my husband said to me. Everything will work out in the end. This replays in my head until I inevitably fall asleep. Although I'm sure there will be a few more sleepless nights, for now...I feel content. I feel at ease.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale - an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Sleepless."

Photo by Fabrice Villard on Unsplash

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

If You And I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at one of our favorite local coffee shops. I'd order a seasonal flavored latte and a pumpkin scone. We'd stay at the shop and then maybe walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the fall weather.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I am so excited about all the fall events and activities. I look forward to dressing up in our costumes and attending our city's Spooky Festival this Friday. I've wanted to use my Fall simmer pot pack and plan to use it this weekend. I also can't wait to go to some farmer's markets and buy some seasonal treats.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I can't believe Election Day is almost here. Early voting started today, and I cast my vote early. I'm documenting the days leading up to Election Day using Paper Person's Election Countdown Kit. I'm making sure to document my everyday life and political-related events.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm reading as many fall and spooky-themed books as I can. I'm looking forward to reading Elise Kennedy's Cozy Nights in Vermont series and Joe Hill's Ushers. I just received an arc of Maggie Smith's upcoming book, Dear Writer, and I can't wait to dig into it.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I have been so inspired by a few of my favorite artists and writers. I have so many ideas that it's hard to decide which project I want to work on. I bought a few new-to-me art supplies and can't wait to test them this weekend. I also hope to have time to work on my new sketchbook this week. I plan to use this sketchbook for the season and hope to overcome the fear of messing up the first page. I also hope that playing in my sketchbook will help me develop a better idea and plan for one of the projects I've wanted to work on.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm glad we were able to catch up. So far, it's been a busy month, and I can't believe how fast the month is going by. I hope the month goes smoothly for you. Here's to good days, fall and spooky vibes, and finding little bits of magic this month. See you next month.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Danilo Acosta on Unsplash