Tuesday, December 13, 2022

If You And I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet at one of our favorite local, small-business coffee shops. I'd probably order a seasonal hot chocolate, most likely a peppermint hot chocolate. I've been on a peppermint kick which is weird because I'm not a big peppermint fan. I'd order some type of pastry with chocolate because that's another thing I'm currently obsessed with. And no, I'm not pregnant. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I recently received an arc of Timothy Goodman's upcoming graphic memoir, I Always Think It's Forever, and I absolutely loved it. I bookmarked so many pages, which I rarely do with ebooks or physical books. I'm currently reading I Gave Myself the World by Catarine Hancock and enjoying it. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm still a little anxious, but things are looking up. I got some great news, and I'm looking forward to the new year. It looks like 2023 will be a big year, and I'm hoping it will be a really amazing year. I'll probably share more about my news soon, but I want to keep it to myself. I want to keep the news to myself because I don't want to jinx it. Is that strange?

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so over this weather. I love rainy days, but it's been so gloomy and ugly outside for the past week. I don't even mind if it's a bit cold, but the constant rain and fog have been annoying. I need some sunshine. And oh my God, I feel so old now because I'm talking (well writing) about the weather. 

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm glad that we were able to meet up again. I love these little chats, which are always a favorite part of my month. I hope you enjoy the holidays and spend time with your loved ones.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Ruth Georgiev on Unsplash

1 comment

  1. A coffee is a cute little coffee shop sounds perfect.Im not a fan of the cold, but its also because the weather is usually dark and dreary too. If it was bright and sunshiney plus cold, I could learn to appreciate it better LOL Wishing you all the best in this new adventure. Cant wait to hear more!
