Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 2022 // A List

Oh, August. What. A. Month.

August was full of so, so many changes.

August was the start of new beginnings.

Schools in session.

August was when I found myself alone all day while the kids were in school full-time.

I wondered if this is what "empty nesters" feel like when their kids move out (even though my kids are still little). 

I also understood why some retired people return to work after not working for a while.

August was the return to a job for me. It's been an adventure. 

It's been nice finishing everything on my to-do list before going to work and being home before my kids get home from school.

August was the month for learning to balance a lot of schedules.

August was the month when I felt very anxious.

There were so many changes.

Most were good.

There were also, unfortunately, some bad days.

A car wreck where thankfully, no one was hurt.

Definitely an inconvenience and scary experience, but grateful that everyone is ok.

August was when I said goodbye to our super old car, Dirty Dan, and said hello to our new SUV, Delilah. *Don't judge me on their names.*

And no, Dirty Dan was not the car involved in the accident.

August was the month of making things happen and hoping for the best.

I made some long-term and short-term goals.

I am hoping for some fantastic outcomes.

I'm hoping for better days.

Thanks, August. It's been a wild ride.

Hello, September. Here's to calmer and slower days ahead.

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