Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Three Things - March 2022

Happy Wednesday! I don't know about you, but I love filling out questionnaires. Sometimes I like to share my responses on the blog, especially when I'm going through a bout of writer's block. However, I'm currently not really going through writer's block. Instead, I feel like I have so much to say but can't (or should I say haven't) find the best way to express it. I think I will just share a "brain dump" rather than make things more complicated. Or maybe I'll just work in my sketchbook and share some images from the pages. Decisions, decisions. 

So while I think about how I'm going to share my words, I thought I'd share my responses to Steph's Q&A prompts.

Three things I like about spring

1. Warmer weather

2. Flowers

3. Soft sweaters

Three things I dislike about spring

1. Bugs

2. Pollen

3. Daylight Saving Time

Three things I drink most often besides water and iced coffee

1. Soda (I've been trying to cut down on how much soda I drink)

2. Strawberry açaí refresher

3. Juice

Three in the house projects I want to get done in April

1. Organize closets

2. Organize (and donate) the boys' toys

3. Organize and shred papers

Three things I eat for lunch or dinner when I don't feel like cooking

1. Pizza

2. Spicy chicken fajita salad

3. Leftovers 

Three things I've been putting off

1. Cleaning out a couple of closets

2. Publishing more personal essays

3. Working on unfinished creative projects

Three things I'm over

1. The neverending laundry

2. Forgetting my grocery list

3. Unpredictable weather 

Three things I'm looking forward to

1. Celebrating Raphael's and Michael's birthday

2. Staycation

3. The boys' spring break

Now it's your turn. Feel free to share your response or a link to your blog in the comments.

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Libby Penner on Unsplash

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