Thursday, August 20, 2020

Three Things - August

Happy Thursday! It's been a long time since I filled out and shared a questionnaire. I think the last one I completed was in February. I saw that Steph from Life According to Steph made a new questionnaire and thought it'd be fun to share my responses.

Three things I like about August

1. Summer fruit

2. Back to School supplies

3. Summer storms

Three things I dislike about August

1. This heat (I'm so ready for cooler weather)

2. Bugs

3. Having to wake up earlier than usual

Three goals for the rest of August

1. Try a new recipe

2. Publish a personal piece for the blog

3. Work in my journal

Three things I thought I'd use more this year

1. My computer

2. My art supplies

3. My car

Three things I never thought I'd use as much this year

1. Face masks

2. Swig Life products

3. Curbside Pick-up

Three things I'm into right now

1. Reading

2. Chocolate chip scones

3. Seagram's Escapes

Three favorite fruits

1. Strawberries

2. Mangoes

3. Limoncillos/Quenepas

Three foods I've survived on in Corona Summer

1. Ice Cream

2. Iced Coffee

3. All. the. snacks.

Now it's your turn. Feel free to share your response or a link to your blog in the comments.

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash


  1. Awww this is a fun prompt! I might have to a participate too! Loved reading your responses to this. And isn’t it crazy what life changes we’ve had to make as a result of the pandemic? I can’t believe how much I’m snacking lately myself 😂

    Hope you enjoy what’s left of the week!

  2. This is fun! I keep meaning to do these when I see them around. I definitely survived on lots of ice cream this summer. And I HATE the August heat. hah

