Friday, June 26, 2020

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Happy Friday! Today I'm linking up with Charlotte, Lindsay, and Beth for their weekly happy and grateful list link up.

1. Naps

2. Target

3. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

4. Encouraging words

5. This post about motherhood, marriage, and kids on Motherly

6. My Mami

7. Discounts on Starbucks drinks

8. Starting a new book

9. Catching up on lots of TV shows

10. Finding out that Lucifer was renewed for a sixth and final season! Season 5 premieres on August 21, 2020!

What made you happy this week?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

1 comment

  1. Ice cream in general just makes me happy. That's awesome about Lucifer. I've seen random episodes, but it's a show that I really want to finally start on Netflix soon. I'm almost finished with iZombie and then I might move to Lucifer.

