Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Currently List

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another Currently List!

Watching: I love this movie. Superman is one of my favorite superheroes.

Reading: I've been reading a lot of articles lately and I'm also catching up on reading some posts from a few of my favorite bloggers.

Listening: Taking it old school with some songs by Wilfrido Vargas. One of my favorite songs by Wilfrido Vargas is El Jardinero.

Making: Now that Valentine's Day is over, I need to start working on some other holiday themed cards. I'm also making some anniversary cards as well.

Feeling: We slept in today and those few extra hours of sleep were so needed.

Planning: I have a few projects to work on and a couple of layouts to make. I'm hoping to get most of it done by the end of this week.

Loving: I love Instagram. You can find so much inspiration and art on Instagram. I have actually learned about other artists and art techniques from Instagram's search section.

What are you currently up to?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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