Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Currently List

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another Currently List!

Watching: I decided to catch up on the news and I wanted to see the news reporters reactions about the Super Bowl.

Reading: So many people were upset that the Patriots won. The memes are hilarious.

Listening: I don't listen to the radio often, but it was a nice change of pace.

Making: I drafted a bunch of blog posts for the week and am currently working on another one.

Feeling: It's been a rough morning and I didn't get enough sleep. I really need a nap.

Planning: I'm going to make lots of soup for my boys. They are not feeling well especially my youngest son. I also think I might be coming down with a cold so I will be sure to make some for myself as well.

Loving: I've been in my pajamas for most the day and it feels awesome!

What are you currently up to?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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