Wednesday, July 15, 2020

If You and I Had Coffee

If you and I had coffee...

We'd meet up at a coffee shop and take our drinks to go. We'd go for a walk since we're still social distancing and avoiding people. With all the Summer storms, it would be nice to go for a walk and take advantage of the clear skies and beautiful weather. Hopefully, a random storm doesn't appear and take us by surprise.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask how you've been and what your opinion is on schools reopening. We have to decide whether to send our boys to school for face-to-face learning or to keep them at home for virtual learning. This is such a tough decision to make. I'm so stressed out about deciding what to do.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask you what shows you are currently watching. I really want to watch Hamilton and am hoping to watch it this week. I've heard so many good things about it.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd ask you what you are currently reading? Is there a series that you recommend? Maybe an author? I've been on a romance novel kick, which is a bit strange because it's rare if I ever read a romance novel.

If you and I had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm so ready for fall. I can't wait for cooler weather and, of course, Halloween. I'm ready for hot beverages, cozy blankets, and comfy clothes. Since we can't really travel anywhere or do any of our usual fun summer activities due to the pandemic, it's just a bit frustrating. Either way, I come alive during fall. I'm usually way more energized, and I tend to create a lot more during autumn.

What would you tell me?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


  1. I would be game for a nice walk. I have mixed feelings about schools opening for the fall semester. I'm concerned that school staff won't be able to maintain good hygiene and kids will end up carrying the virus home to loved ones. More and more parents that I know have decided to homeschool this year. Many of them have even pulled their children out of the school system and are doing full homeschooling curriculum. I think you'll enjoy Hamilton. It's quickly become a favorite of mine and I'm so glad that it's available to stream because tickets were SO expensive. I'm reading a lot of books about race, which aren't fun but certainly educational. I would recommend Sarah Addison Allen books. They are so easy to get into and I love her writing style. I'm with you about being ready for fall. I'm over the summer and the heat. And like you, I am more creative in the cooler seasons. Emily, I'm so glad you were able to join the coffee date this month. Hope to see you next time! <3

  2. I agree about coming alive in the cooler weather. It's winter where I am, but I sympathise with you on the summer weather especially now that we all have to take isolation and social distancing into account. I've just finished reading A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, which is also a bit out of my usual style. It's a fantasy romance novel but I thoroughly enjoyed it and plan to read the next ones. Lovely to have coffee with you today, Emi!

  3. Its too funny that you and Lecy both mention Hamilton and Fall. I am not a parent but I am a child therapist who works with the kiddos either in school, my office, or the community. The school closures were quite an adjustment for my families and I ended up doing therapy more than once a week with alot of them. I am not sure if you ever liked Fight Club (the movie) but the author of the book is a favorite of mine. I am trying to do as much mindless reading (versus school-book reading) that I can while I have a moment to do so.

  4. I can totally understand some escape in romance novels during the times we are battling. It's usually easy reads and if your mind wanders there isn't much to miss or to pick up later. I Believe all books have a purpose. I can't really recommend anything fluffy right now. Unless you are into fantasy then I might have a few suggestion. HA. until next month...
