Monday, April 6, 2020

April Goals

Happy Monday! It's a new month, and I am so glad that March is over. March is always a difficult month for me, and this year was even more difficult than usual. Now that it's April, I'm feeling so much more hopeful and at peace. Even though we have to stay indoors, we are so excited to celebrate Raphael's upcoming birthday and Easter.

Well, let's check out which goals I accomplished last month, which ones I didn't, and my new goals for April.

Recap of March Goals
  • Read 2 books: I accomplished this goal! In fact, I have surpassed my reading goal for the year. I read about 15 books in March. Most of them were novellas, but that's ok. I need to find a better way of keeping track of the actual days that I read the books. I use Goodreads, but sometimes I forget to add the start and end dates.
  • Work in my journal: This was a fail. I didn't feel motivated at all to write in my journal. 
  • Write more personal pieces for the blog: I have so many ideas, but I just haven't gotten to writing much or blogging as much as I'd like. 
  • Stay active: This was a fail. I blame the coronavirus and the weather. I have to figure out a way to work out in my house. 
  • Try 2 new recipes: This was also a fail. Once again, I blame the damn virus. The stores have been out of a lot of stuff so I've been making our usual and go-to meals. 
  • Take more photos: This was a pass. I didn't take as many as I'd like, but I did take some photos. 
  • Work on 1 Awesome Ladies Project prompt or class every week: This was a fail. Just like I didn't feel motivated to write in my journal, I didn't feel motivated to create much last month. 

April Goals
  • Read 5 books
  • Work in my journal
  • Write more personal pieces for the blog
  • Take more photos
  • Work on 1 Awesome Ladies Project prompt or class every week

What are your goals for April?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...


  1. Congrats on reaching your Goodreads goal! That's awesome. I have had a hard time focusing on reading lately. I also said I wanted to write in my journal and make 2 new recipes, but sadly haven't done those either. I feel like I'm documenting how I'm feeling through all of this on my blog though, so at least my thoughts are going somewhere! Hoping to get back on the wagon with cooking this month too. Good luck with all of your goals!

    1. Thank you so much! It's strange that I'm doing so well with my reading goal when I struggled with that goal the most. Now I'm struggling with my creative work. Good luck on all your goals.

  2. Yep, that stupid virus messed up most of my March goals too. Maybe April will be better as we all adjust!

    1. I've just been all over the place. Here's to hoping that we are able to adjust to the new change.

  3. I feel like sometimes our pull to create takes a hit, but especially when things are happening as they are now. Misery can drain our will. I feel confident you'll find your way back!

    My April goal is to find a way to finish my work day in 8 hours and not 20.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you accomplish your goal.

  4. March was such a bad month for most people. I definitely need to figure out how to be more active, since I can't go to dance class anymore.


    1. I'm sorry you're not able to go dance class. I hope you're able to find an alternative. I've been going on lots of walks and I think I may try some at home work out videos/classes.
