Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Currently List

Happy Tuesday and Happy Fourth of July! It's time for another Currently List.

Watching: I caught up on an episode of Fear the Walking Dead. So far this season is actually pretty good. I also watched several episodes of La Querida del Centauro. I finally have only seven episodes left before I am caught up with the season. Thank goodness for my DVR.

Reading: As usual, I read some blogs. I also need to choose a book to read this month and I'm having a hard time picking a book. I have so many books that I need to read so it's kind of hard having to choose one.

Listening: I am loving Riverside by Agnes Obel. It's such a good song.

Making: I love making pizza bagels. They are easy to make and are so delicious.

Feeling: It was such a great day. I started working on my Project Life album, journaled in my Moleskine sketchbook, and made a card for my 100 Day Project.

Planning: I'm currently planning blog posts for this month and I also need to make a lot of to do lists. This month is going to be really busy so I better get started planning...like now.

Loving: I love quiet nights. I'm starting to love quiet nights way more than quiet mornings.

What are you currently up to?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...


  1. My daughter and I have been making ice cream, which has been so much fun! I just checked out Riverside, and you're right - so good!

    1. Homemade ice cream is the best. Which flavors have you been making?

  2. Quiet nights can be so nice! I hope you find a great book to read this month. I'm doing well on reading, but I have so many books I need to review and other posts I need to write so I can schedule more.


    1. Thank you Lauren. I think I close to narrowing it down to two books. I hope you are able to review all of the books and write your posts. Have a great week.
