Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Currently List

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another currently list!

Watching: I checked the news to see what the weather would be like for today and the rest of the week. I ended up watching it longer than I intended because a few of the news stories caught my interest.

Reading: As usual, I have been reading a lot of articles. I also need to catch up on some blog posts and finish reading my current book.

Listening: I love this song. I think Grace did a great job with her cover of this song.

Making: I'm still trying to get better at writing my blog posts in advance.

Feeling: I'm feeling much better, but now I have been feeling really sleepy. I've been taking more naps than usual and even when I try to get more rest, I still feel tired.

Loving: I love my pajamas. They are so comfortable and warm.

Planning: I still need to plan the rest of my week. I also need to plan to buy a new planner since my current one ends in December.

What are you currently up to?

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

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