Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Morning Thoughts

Hello! Hello! Happy Monday! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. We had a blast yesterday at Champion Kids. The boys played so much and we also watched Brave for the first time. I absolutely love that movie!

  • I have been spending the morning working on the blog so if you happened to stop by then you may have noticed that the blog was kind of weird. So don't was just me trying to figure out some stuff. 
  • It's going to be a somewhat busy week and I'm actually looking forward to it! Got a couple of errands and appointments. And I need to organize some stuff.
  • Two of my major goals this week is to organize some closets and work some more on blog.
  • I'm going to try and stop drinking soda again for a month and I'm hoping that I can possibly keep it up for more than a month...we shall see how that goes. 

How is your Monday going? Do you have any goals that you are trying to accomplish?

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